Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Before and After.

This post is a little late, but I thought it worth documenting.
For basically her whole life Ms. Chase has been wanting long flowing locks, so naturally we grew her hair out. Nice and long.  Then one day, out of the blue, she decided she wanted to chop her hair. 
I waited a few weeks to make sure she didn't change her mind, and when she kept insisting, we went ahead and chopped it.



Miss her long hair, but she looks darn cute with short hair to:)
(Thanks to hairdresser extraordinaire Chelsea)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

When Cohen And A Tree Collide.

Our back yard is perfect for sledding...
that is unless your sled runs into the pear tree and you fly off face first into said tree :(
Thats what happened to Cohen. Poor child. Scared the crap out of Jamison and I.  Luckily it didn't knock him out, he just screamed bloody murder. I ran him to instacare, and it turned out everything was a-ok. Just lots of bumps and bruises.  

The bump on his forehead has healed nicely, but he still has a shiner on that eye, and some scrapes on his nose and mouth.

I asked him today again how he got that black eye, and the story has changed to "I punched my own eyeball". 
Crazy kid:)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Chase Emma turns 5.

Back in January my Chase girl turned 5 yrs old. 
We had a little princess party for her and some of her closest friends. 
We did a family party as well the next weekend.
Of course I took very few pictures.

She is amazing that Chase girl. I have a hard time coming to terms with how fast time goes by, and how much she is growing up. I think I say that on every birthday post...but it is what it is. 

 Playing "dead man dead man come alive" on our tramp with her friends. I had never even heard of this game before I went out side and heard them playing it. Hilarious.Jamison and I were getting such a kick out of watching the girls play.

 BAM!.  Look at the beautiful 5 year old face!