2 nights ago as Jamison and I were getting ready for bed, I looked over and realized Jamison's hair looked a whole lot like David Hasselhoff's. This was very disturbing. Jamison has gorgeous auburn/reddish hair, curly and thick, but it does nothing for him to look like David circa 1980. I am trying to talk him into going to a professional to get it cut. There is so much potential there. Luckily the next morning the resemblence was gone.
Last night as I was attempting to watch Lost online Jamison lays down on the bed and proceeds to ask me "Isn't it awkward when 2 girls hug and there boobs squash togethor?". Um, what? I can honestly say I have never considered this nore do I want to. Apparently some girl he works with was showing some wedding picture of two girls boob squashing hug and the subject was brought up. Being that he asked me this very late,and I was exhausted it was a lot funnier last night. I am still able to get a good chuckle out of it, yet its still slightly disturbing (but never as disturbing as the hoff).