Monday, August 31, 2009

That smile!

Cohen is finally getting to the age of real genuine smiles. Nothing makes him happier than when I get all up in his face and tell him how handsome he is. He grins from ear to ear.

And then sometimes he is sad, and the bottom lip pops out before the crying begins. Breaks my heart everytime.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Summer reads.

I must tell you all that this summer I have read some deliciously good books.
The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton, The House at Riverton, also by Kate,
The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane, by Katherine Howe, and The Four Corners of the Sky by Micheal Malone. I posted my ratings of them on goodreads, but felt they deserved a blog post also.
Next I plan on reading The Historian by Elizabeth Kastova (I have been hearing about this book and how good it is for awhile now, and am finally getting around to reading it).
Although they have all been good books, my favorite by far this summer has been The Forgotten Garden. I know I posted about it awhile back, but I must say again, it is SUCH a good book.
So if you are looking for a good summer read (or I guess just a good read since summers almost over), then each of these books comes highly recommended by yours truly.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Dear Chase Emma,
Today when I walked in the kitchen you were doing some crazy arm movement. When I asked what you were doing, you told me you were playing the violin. Please don't ever change. I hope you are always this carefree, and I hope you are always this independent (although your independence does scare me to death sometimes). My favorite thing in the world is to watch you dance. To watch you study the movements that are being done on T.V. and then to try and immitate them. And then when you are done you say "your turn Mom", and I get to stand up and copy you exactly. Right now you are supposed to be taking a nap, but I can hear you singing your abc's. By the way you are singing I can tell you are teaching them to one of your stuffed animals. I wish I could know everything that goes on in that little head of yours. Everyday you surprise me with the amount of knowledge you have stored in there.
It blows my mind what an amazing little person you are...and somehow I got lucky enough to be your Mom.
P.S where did those amazing dimples come from?

Dear Cohen,
Please remain this chubby for at least the next year. I look at you and just want to squeeze and kiss your face/neck/every ounce of your chubby little body. I have come to realize that you and the nuzzler (aka your sister) are the perfect counter parts of each other. Shes a bit wild, and so far, your more easy going. I can tell when shes trying to get a rise out of you, trying to push the limit, and you just act like "whatev, I can handle her". I can't wait to see more of your personality emerge as you grow, but at the same time, please don't grow up, because I will miss this.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Lets have fun!!

Please enjoy this awesome video.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Is my child a vampire? Jamison wishes.

So, do you see that lovely bruise on my arm? That beauty is from Chase biting me tonight, because I made her put her skirt back on, because we were at Gallivan Center with hundreds of people around and I didn't want my daughter running around skirtless.
The past little while, when Ms. Chase doesn't get her way she proceeds to try to either hit, scratch, kick, or bite me. We do time out, she crys, she says sorry and that she won't do it again. Cut to a few hours later when I try to make her do something she doesn't want to, and the whole process starts over again. I am open to suggestions in getting her to stop this behavior. She is incredibly stubborn, and the only way to get her to do certain things is to trick her into it, but as she gets older and wiser that gets harder. Someone suggested I put tobasco sauce on her tongue next time she bites me....yeah, don't know how I feel about that one.... but if anyone as any other suggestions I am definitely open to them.

Monday, August 17, 2009

On any given Sunday

Yesterday we headed up to Jamison's sister's house in Midway for Sunday dinner. We are usually at someones elses house for Sunday dinner every Sunday since we have lots of family (my parents are divorced and remarried, and so are Jamison's, which makes for lots of Sunday dinner invites). Chase loved it because ,unlike her mom, aunt Beckie lets her have as many cookies as she wants,and Aunt Beckie will also clear off the coffee table so Chase can put on a tutu and dance on it to Donna Summers. There was also swimming, jumping, and playing with Chase's favorite dog Toka.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

2 things

1. I saw this movie last night. It was really good.
2. The soundtrack is even better.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Honestly I am just dreading going to bed, because I know the second I lay down and my eyes start to droop, Cohen will wake up and want a bottle, and then insist we pull another all nighter like we did last night. So, to postpone the inevitable I am posting a blog with pictures of my chillins taken the past few days....random stuff and a few from temple square. As I type I am wishing I had season 2 of Veronica Mars. Just finished season 1. Listen, say what you will, but I like that show. Its another one of those good shows (in my opinion at least) that I didn't really discover until it had been cancelled (can we say arrested developement).

And just so you know, nothing brings me more joy than kissing those chubby cheeks.

Monday, August 10, 2009

This is only temporary

Last night I had the best dream. I don't remember all the details but I know I was on a beach somewhere. And I know that in the dream I was incredibly relaxed and content. It was one of those dreams where you wake up and get that sinking feeling, because you realize it was only a dream. These days our lifes have been pretty stressful. With Jamison going to school full time, and the arrival of Cohen, and trying to sell our condo, and basically just trying to stay on top of everything, I have been pretty stressed out. I find I have to remind myself constantly that this is only temporary and that things won't always be this way. I keep telling Jamison that we desperatly need a real vacation...which I am sure I don't need to be reminding him. He knows. This past week I have been thinking back to all the places my Mom and I traveled when I was younger and it was just me and her. I don't think I appreciated it as much as I should have. Yesterday I was telling Jamison about one such place and my desire to take him there. But doing that requires time and funds, and right now we don't have much of either. Just one more year of this craziness. I can make it. Then who knows....hopefully this time next year I will be relaxing on the beach.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"You are like the whole town of footloose in one person"

Thats what Jamison told Chase yesterday.If she hears music, she dances.Numerous times a day I will walk into the living room and catch her dancing.This morning as I was wasting time on the computer I came across a blog with music playing. She had me replay the song over and over again so she could show Cohen her moves. The thing about Chase is, she won't dance on command. Sometimes we try to get her to show off her moves for the crowd and she refuses. But if shes feeling the music, and she thinks you aren't paying to much attention, its like the little girl version of Ren McCormak. All she wants to do is dance.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

What could have been...

Although it was a long running joke with Jamison and I and our friends, I secretly fear that if I would have agreed to it, he would have done it.....he would have named our son Sean Connery.
(We got this onesie in the mail today courtesy of Aimee and Scott. Hilarious!! )