Today when I walked in the kitchen you were doing some crazy arm movement. When I asked what you were doing, you told me you were playing the violin. Please don't ever change. I hope you are always this carefree, and I hope you are always this independent (although your independence does scare me to death sometimes). My favorite thing in the world is to watch you dance. To watch you study the movements that are being done on T.V. and then to try and immitate them. And then when you are done you say "your turn Mom", and I get to stand up and copy you exactly. Right now you are supposed to be taking a nap, but I can hear you singing your abc's. By the way you are singing I can tell you are teaching them to one of your stuffed animals. I wish I could know everything that goes on in that little head of yours. Everyday you surprise me with the amount of knowledge you have stored in there.
It blows my mind what an amazing little person you are...and somehow I got lucky enough to be your Mom.
P.S where did those amazing dimples come from?
Please remain this chubby for at least the next year. I look at you and just want to squeeze and kiss your face/neck/every ounce of your chubby little body. I have come to realize that you and the nuzzler (aka your sister) are the perfect counter parts of each other. Shes a bit wild, and so far, your more easy going. I can tell when shes trying to get a rise out of you, trying to push the limit, and you just act like "whatev, I can handle her". I can't wait to see more of your personality emerge as you grow, but at the same time, please don't grow up, because I will miss this.
You are so cute. Chase is pretty lucky she got YOU as a mom.
Agreed. They have a great mom.
Cute letters.
Love it. Your kids are fabulous and you are an incredible mom.
Beautiful post.
I cannot believe how big Chase is now. Looking forward to meeting the little fella!
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