Monday, May 31, 2010

A few things that happened this holiday weekend worth mentioning.

We learned that Cohen has some serious in if you sit him down on freshly mown grass his eyes will literally swell to the point he can't open them, his nose and eyes both will run nonstop, and he will get a rash all over his face. Thank goodness for benadryl. It got rid of all of the above and also knocked him out.

We went to a fun bbque.

Went up the canyon for a yummy camp fire dinner which was equally as fun. I heart smores. Especially if they are on cinnamon graham crackers.

Cleaned out our shed which resulted in Cohen scoring some great old/new toys. Gotta love the hand me downs from Chase. Bounce and spin Zebra? Oh yes, she got it for Christmas one year and out grew it with in a few months. Cohen loves (along with all the other stuff we rediscovered).

We decided that yes, without a doubt we will be moving.

And I quit my job....oh my eff.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pink Flamingo sun glasses

11:00 am: We enter the zoo
11:05 am: Chase spots the pink flamingo sunglasses. She claims she has to have them. I cave.

Once she puts them on she refuses to take them off. We ride the carousel...with the pink flamingo sunglasses.

12:00pm: she still has not taken them off

Must eat lunch and desert wearing them.

I make her let Cohen try them on. He hates them. She is relieved and puts them back on.

Cohen is cute.

6:00pm: She wants pb and j for dinner. Still won't take off the sunglasses.

7:00pm: Is telling me she loves me in sign language...still won't take off sunglasses.

8:00pm: Watches a whole episode of Barney with the sunglasses on.

9:00pm: Goes to bed with her sunglasses still on.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Before I forget

She amazes me, this daughter of mine. I am constantly trying to remind myself to not forget a certain something she said, or something she did, then as I am laying in bed at night I will think "Chase did / said something so funny today...what the heck was it??".
So here I am documenting the stuff I just don't want to forget.

This evening we decided to take a wagon ride. Chase wanted to take the ipod to listen to some tunes while in the wagon. I couldn't argue. Nothing like some good tunes while pulling the wagon around. Nearing the end of our ride, I look back and Chase is laying in the wagon (practically on Cohen's lap) with her ear to the ipod, her hands covering her face. Turns out she was crying.
Because of the music! The music was making her cry!! It was so cute/sad. She was listening to this CD. A Childs Prayer: Primary Songs for Bedtime.
I mean really it is an awesome CD. Beautiful renditions of primary songs. A must have if you have kids. I love listening to it...and about 90% of the time, when I put it on, Chase falls asleep (which can be a good and bad thing, depending on what time it is).
Anyways, this particular day, while listening to it, it apparently made her cry! I tried to talk to her about what was happening and she said, "Mom, I turned on the music and it made me so sad and then it made me miss Daddy. This music makes me miss my Daddy."
Picture her saying this while trying her hardest to hold the tears back, bottom lip trembling.
Must not forget. Must remember how cute it was.

Some other things she says that make me smile/ wonder where in the world she comes up with certain things:

1. While getting ready for her dance class, without fail she always asks me,
"Mom, where is my balletatard?"
And without fail I always say "You mean your leotard?"
Cut to one week later when once again she is asking for her "balletatard".

2. Lately she likes calling people "dude".
Example. "Mom, you are such a dude."
Yeah, I don't necessarily love being called a dude.

3. The other day we are talking about what her favorite holiday is.
She said Christmas, then explained to my Mom and I that Santa comes etc, etc, etc...
So of course my Mom has to explain the whole baby Jesus being born in the manger and the real meaning of Christmas. After listening to my Mom explain the whole story to her, she says,
"So, Jesus wasn't born in a hospital?"
My mom says, "Nope, in a manger."
Chase: "You have got to be kidding me!"
There is something very funny about 3 yr olds saying adult phrases such as
"you have got to be kidding me".

4. Calling certain people "crazy fools".
Once again something only funny coming out of a 3 yr olds mouth.

5. I also like when she tells me to "calm down Mom".
I realize some of these things won't be funny when she isn't 3.

6. Sometimes when you are in the middle of a sentence she will scream out "What?!!!",
and it always startles me.

7. She thinks the word "poop" is hilarious, and as a result tries to slip it into her sentences randomly. Example: "Lets go to the park poop." Or, "Cohen is so funny poop."
Maybe not the funniest or cutest thing, but she does it none the less.

Thats all....for now.

Oh yeah. I also love when she says "Boo Ya!".

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lots of red, lots of makeup, and 2 questions.

If you have a child with red hair BEWARE OF THE OLD LADYS! They will approach you by the hundreds, everywhere you go, and get all up in your baby's face and say things like:

"Oh, you look like you should belong to me! Before I was gray I had red hair to!"
"My grandson has hair just like that!"
"Look at you, you are going to be a spitfire!"
"Oh, look at that red hair!"
"That little boy sure has some red hair"

Bless the hearts of all the old lady's who love to comment on Cohen's red hair.
Its great that he loves all the attention now...because when he gets older I feel he will not enjoy people commenting on his red hair. Lets hope there are no old lady smack down incidents.
Hence the part in the title that says "lots of red".
Also, poor kid pulled a tile thingy my mom has on her fireplace ledge down onto his head. Thats what all the bruises are from. It was sad.

This picture has nothing to do with anything. I just like how Chase likes to body slam Jamison.

Chase likes to wear makeup these days. We pucker our lips and take pictures with my phone.
Also, this picture makes it very obvious that I have my Father's nose.

And sometimes when I ask her to smile she just stares straight ahead.

I have a few questions.
1. Have you scene Date Night? You should. Its funny. Tina Fey is my favorite. The part when you see Tina in a surveillance video still shot, thats how I feel every time I am in a picture. I think I am the least photogenic person on planet earth.

2. I am interested in making my blog a book. Reason being I don't scrap book, and the last and only photo album I have done since my kids have been born is one chronicling Chase's life from birth to about 1 yr old. I have stacks and stacks of developed pictures in the closet, which if I am going to be honest with myself, will never end up anywhere but right where they are right now.
I figure the easiest and best way to go about chronicling my kids lives, and all the memorable moments, is to do it on the blog, then turn it into a book ( I think its mostly family who reads this blog anyways).
Anyone ever done a blog book before? Any recommendations?

Monday, May 17, 2010

3 more months

and then Jamison is DONE with school. I can hardly wait. I mean really he has been in school for SO long. I sometimes forget that the day will come when I don't have a husband in school. He will actually be able to come home after work. He has been in school for so long you would think he was going to be a doctor or something. He is not. But its OK. It just took him a while to figure out what he wanted to do. This summer will be crazy for him, but it will go by so fast, and then....BOO YA, no more husband in school.

We are celebrating by going to Disneyland/the beach come the end of summer, and I can't wait. A much needed graduation present. Since we have been married we have never taken anything more than short weekend vacations together, so its about freaking time!!!
Plus, its going to be the best, taking Chase to Disneyland. She is very excited to say the least.

And now I am going to post some pictures from this weekend. My kids are awesome.
Yes, that is one of the breast milk container things they give you at the hospital. What? it makes a good toy.

Friday, May 14, 2010

A few random tidbits.

Its pretty common knowledge that organic food is expensive. That is, unless you are growing your own garden fresh fruit and vegetables. Alas, Right now we do not have a garden.
While I am at the grocery store I often wonder if I should be buying everything organic?? Or if there are things that it doesn't matter as much???

While surfing the interwebs this morning I came across this website, with this cute little printable cheat sheet. I printed one for myself and plan on sticking it in my purse and consulting it when I go grocery shopping. (apparently there is also an app for this...but I prefer the cute printable version).

Right now I am about half way through the book Little Bee. I must say it is a good book, but it makes me depressed. Depressed because I find myself blown away at the things certain human beings are capable of, but also amazed at how resilient humans are capable of being. (did that sentence make sense?). This book has made me think that we must all have some secret store of strength that we don't even know is there until we have to deal with something that would seem unbearable.

And speaking of having to deal with the unbearable, the past few days I can not stop thinking about this story. It breaks my heart. To think of what this innocent 4 year old child had to endure. Also, I keep thinking about this boys biological father, and how he had no choice but to send his son to live with his mother ( who in my opinion does not deserve to be called a mother), and now his son is gone, beaten to death by his mom's boyfriend, and she did nothing but take pictures with her cell phone. No child should have to endure that. Thinking about it just makes me want to hug my kids and never let go.
My heart goes out to the biological Father. I can only imagine the hell he is living right now.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Quote of the Week, and pretty flowers because flowers make me happy.

I want so to live that I work with my hands and my feeling and my brain. I want a garden, a small house, grass, animals, books, pictures, music. And out of this, the expression of this, I want to be writing (Though I may write about cabmen. That’s no matter.) But warm, eager, living life, to be rooted in life, to learn, to desire, to feel, to think, to act. This is what I want. And nothing less. That is what I must try for.

-Katherine Mansfield

(quote found via littlegarden)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

When she grows up.

For a while she was going to be a doctor when she grows up. "Just like Dr. Lindgren, I gotta help sick kids."
Then the fireman at Jason's Deli gave her a badge, which then made her want to be a fireman. It doesn't hurt that her Grandpa and Uncle are firemen. I mean it does run in the family.
Sometimes its a cowgirl, sometimes a pilot, sometimes a ballerina.
But whatever she ends up deciding, we will support her.
(and I believe she will look adorable doing whatever she decides...even if its fighting fires)
My little Ballerina

My little cowgirl

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Day 2010

I must say this has been a very nice weekend. Jamison took Friday off of work, and we decided to take the kids and walk around Temple Square. It was GORGEOUS. Hello!! The flowers are amazing!! Good place to just let the kids run, and enjoy the scenery and nice weather at the same time. We also did lunch at the Nauvoo Cafe in the Joseph Smith memorial building. Didn't even know that place existed (the cafe that is) until we walked past it. Had a very yummy chicken pot pie.
Then Friday night was Bunco night. Us girls get together the first Friday of every month to get our Bunco on. Good times were usual.

Saturday Jamison took me to breakfast at the Dodo for Mothers
Day (YUM!), then we went and saw Iron Man 2 (way good!), then Jamison's Dad and Laraine had us out for dinner. I feel like I am getting fatter by the minute eating all this good food.

Then there was today. Yes, I spoke in church. Real glad thats over with. Then we did dinner at Jamison's Moms. The kids had a great time playing in the little metal tub in her backyard (see below picture). Its amazing how something so simple can entertain them for so long. And I also realized I could probably just sit and watch my kids for hours. I find them that entertaining (but I do realize I am most likely the only one who could do that...other than Jamison).
Then off to my Mom's we went. Then home. Now the kids are in bed and I just want to stay up and watch a good movie, then read my really good book (Little Bee). Also, I have a confession. By "good movie" I mean Practical Magic. Yes, I like that movie (its the one with Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman, and they are witches. Really I just want to live in the house they live in with there aunts in the movie), but its Mother's Day, and I should get to watch what I want...right? I realize I will get made fun of. I am Ok with that.

Cohen and Uncle Dave. Its good to have him back from Hawaii. Also Cohen tearing it up in the metal tub.

Helping Grandma Marilee open her Mothers Day Present.

Yellow roses are one of my favorites.

And my favorite Mother's Day gift. Shoes!! Thanks Jamison! I love.
I must mention, I have got some amazing women in my life...all of whom deserve to have an amazing Mother's Day.
My Mom, Grandma, Mother in laws, friends.
I love you!!!