Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"But Mom, we DO have grapes!"

Yesterday Chase kept begging me to go with her to pick grapes and I kept telling her that the grape vine in our backyard is actually our neighbors, and I know said neighbor has big plans for those grapes and doesn't want us to keep picking and eating them (neighbor has told me she plans on making fresh squeezed grape juice with those grapes. Her and her husband have a tradition of growing the grapes, making the grape juice, then enjoying it on Christmas eve. She is making some for us to, hence the reason I don't want my kids eating all of the neighbors grapes). Little did I know that we actually have a grape vine also. Chase kept trying to tell me, and I guess I wasn't listening as well as I should because I kept thinking she was talking about the neighbors vines. Finally she yelled "Mom, trust me, I will show you!". So to the back yard we went. And low and behold we have a grape vine in the very back far reaches of our yard. The part that I never venture to because it is over run with onions and other mystery plants. Let me just tell you, DAMN, those grapes are good. And there is A LOT of them. We spent a good hour or so yesterday picking and gorging ourselves on grapes. They are still fairly small, so they have that slightly sour taste, but thats what I like. To me, it is the taste of summer, and I love it.  Our grape gorging extravaganza turned into a "taking crazy pictures" afternoon. Good times. I know this may not seem like a blog worthy subject. Just a normal day around these parts.....but as we were outside messing around, me and my munchkins, I was having one of those moments where I kept telling myself,"I don't ever want to forget this." It was a few hours of fun in the sun that I wish I could bottle up, and when my kids are grown and gone I could relive it again and again. 
Here is Chase showing me that she was right and I was wrong. We DO have a grape vine!

 That smile really truly melts my hearts.

 I seriously think Cohen's glasses are awesome, and want a pair just like them.

 Cohen was not huge fan of the grapes like Chase and I, so he chose to pick some apples and eat those instead. I told him to smile and he rolled his eyes at me. I pretty much laugh until I pee my pants every time he rolls his eyes at me. Just look at that "oh good hell don't tell me to smile again" expression.

 I said "Give me your craziest face", and this is what they came up with.

 Cohen gets a drink. The kid has a weird fascination with this spigot in our backyard.

The view as I was lying on the lawn chair enjoying grapes.

This is what I got when I yelled "Crazy pose!".  Chase gave me more of a sass pose. But Cohen....I am loving the crazy pose. 
And please excuse all the junk in the back left corner. It is the doors and carpet padding we ripped out of our basement. We still need to take it to the dump......

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Lately whenever I do something Cohen doesn't approve of, like making him put on his shoes, he will let me know he doesn't approve by saying "uhhhhg mom! what da heck!". Then yesterday when Nanna was helping him walk on a very narrow path he stumbled and yelled "nanna! what da heck!" and we all burst out laughing. It may not seem that funny now, but when a 2 year old gets all up in your face mad, then says such adult phrases as "what da heck" it is funny. Trust.

If you know me you know I am a Harry Potter fan. A huge Harry Potter fan. As in I have read all the books more than once, and I would love to just lay on my couch one day and watch all the Harry Potter movies start to finish. So it should be no surprise that my 2 year old can regularly be heard yelling "stupify!!" and "expelliarmus!" at his big sister. No he has never scene Harry Potter, and yes he is only 2 so he has no idea what he is saying....but its still awesome. We have taught him that these are the things to shout at people when they are bothering him. And the more I think about it the more awesome it seems. My 2 year old shouting out Harry Potter spells. Freaking hilarious. And now I can hear him in his bedroom taking apart his toddler bed and banging it on the wall. Guess he is awake from the nap. Thats my queue to sign off.......but it has just occurred to me, I wonder if there are Harry Potter costumes small enough for 2 year olds? If we can get him to keep up the spell casting, I think it would be the perfect Halloween costume. How could you resist giving a 2 year old all the candy he wanted if he was at your door dressed as Harry Potter casting spells? I do not believe you could. I believe you would give him all the candy you had on hand.
Just picture him with the round glasses, lightening scar, cape, and wand.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

With summer being almost over and all.....

I felt I needed to document a few more summer 2011 memories. Did you know stores (baby's r us), are putting out Halloween costumes? Nothing against Halloween costumes. It is my favorite holiday and all, but where in the world did the last 2 months go?

Jamison does a back flip off the high tower in the Lava Hot Springs pool. We were there for a family reunion. Jamison does the cool stuff while I document it. He tried to talk me into going up there and jumping. Just thinking about doing it made my heart beat way to fast. I have a hard time with say the least.

I love the autumn, but I will miss these marvelous summer days and nights. Its been a good one.