Friday, June 26, 2009

Lets just not go home.

Over Fathers Day we headed up to my parents cabin. Oh the joy and relaxation. We would have stayed longer if not for my doctors appt, and the fear I had of giving birth in the Evanston Wyoming hospital (that is the closest one to the cabin). We swam, we watched movies, we ate lots of good food, rode the 4 wheelers, and the list goes on. I thought I could handle a ride (who cares if I'm 8 1/2 months preg?), then decided it wasn't the best idea after feeling like the baby was going to fall out. Although I couldn't ride the 4-wheelers, my uncle brought up his polaris ranger, which, even over the bumpy terrain of the trails, was actually smoother than riding in a car ( I could be one of their salesman).
Chase had a blast with her cousins.
I was very sad when my camras battery died after only the first day, but I did manage to get a few good pictures.
There is the prettiest little pond/lake right behind the cabin with fish galore, but unfortunatly we missed out on the fishing part of the trip.
What I am trying to say is, it was just nice to relax and enjoy the great outdoors, but enjoy the perks of the pool, and big screen tv at the same time.
Sometimes its hard getting back to reality.

riding and swimming.

Throwing rocks in the river

Hitching a ride on Dad

Riding with Dad. I loved how the helmet squished her cheeks togethor. The best is when she would try to smile.

Home and exhausted after a fun filled weekend.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Alice in Wonderland

The plan this afternoon was to blog about our fun filled trip to the cabin this past week, and then describe to you the lameness that was having to come home early from the cabin so I could go spend my morning at LDS hospital today, while my doctor attempted to turn the baby, while it was still in my stomach, with her bare hands, while saying "wow, I am getting a workout". I am sure you can imagine how painful it was. I don't think I need to give any details. All I know is after going through that, that little man better stay put.

Right now there are more important things for me to post the fact that I just read they have finished filming Alice in Wonderland. I love Johnny Depp. I can't wait until March 2010 to go see what I am sure is going to be a marvelous movie.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I should be packing, but instead I am blogging and craving oreos.

Tomorrow we are leaving for the family cabin. I have so much to do, and no motivation to do it...which means tomorrow morning I will be scrambling to get everything ready. Oh well. Thats just me. Thats how I roll. Always putting stuff off until the last minute. Our plan was to stay at the cabin until at least Tuesday, but turns out little boy darby is breech, and he refuses to turn (I swear its because he can hear everyone talking about it, and hes thinking "I'll show them, those fools think I will turn, um no.") So, my doc wants me back in the office Monday....and if baby boy still hasn't turned then I get to go to the hospital Wed., while my doc gets to do a fun little procedure where she trys to force him to turn. Please don't tell me how unpleasent this procedure is...I have already heard it about 100 times today. Trust me when I say I am praying he turns on his own. was the good ol biweekly play group. We went to Wheeler Farm (which is apparently now just called "the farm" but I refuse to call it that). Chase made good friends with the goat and repeatedly told it "it ok goat, its ok". Guess the goat was sad.

Chase climbing fence to pet incredibly creepy horse.

Now its 10:44pm, and I am totally serious when I say I am going to finish the laundry and eat some Oreos with milk.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


So, Jamison and I have had a heck of a time coming up with a name for this baby! We will think of something we love, then after a few days one of us will change our, against my better judgement (I swore I wouldn't do this), I decided to post some of the names we are thinking about. I think we need some outside input.

These are the names we both like so far:
Costen /Koston (not sure how we would spell it)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Don't cry.

This morning I got a little emotional. As you will recall, it has been happening a lot this pregnancy. Anyways, Chase got really worried when she saw the tears (which were a result of a show I was watching) , and kept saying "don't cry mommy, be happy." Hearing her say that in her cute little voice made me insanely happy. What would I do without that girl?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Lets take a trip down memory lane

shall we?
Are you aware that Jamison and I have known each other for 7 years? Are you also aware that June 17th is our 4 year anniversary? My how time flys.
I still remember the first time I met Jamison. Our mutual friend Scott had just returned from a mission, and my friend Chelsea and I were going to go to Scotts home to say hello, and welcome him back. Chelsea ended up not being able to go, and I didn't want to go alone, but for some reason I did anyway. And there was Jamison. I remember telling him he looked familiar, and I remember we had some discussion about how we were at the Shilo in togethor when Scott left and Jamison was doing backflips and free style walking. I should have remembered him from that time, but I did not.
(It also has to be mentioned that at that time I had very short Platinum blonde/silverish hair
and looking back at pics I looked kindof scary and maybe like a lesbian, and I am surprised that Jamison even gave me the time of day).
Anyways, to make a long story short, the more I hung out with Jamison the more I realized I couldn't get enough. I wanted to hang out with him all the time forever and ever....and look at us now. Ahh cute.
Here are a few of the pics from our past.
This was around the time we started dating (I think)

This was at a wedding (about 6 yrs ago). Look how young Jamison looks!

Believe it our not, this is Jamison and I dressed up for his oldest brothers wedding (about 5 years ago). He got married on Halloween. It was an interesting wedding, and it turns out it wasn't actually a legal union, but it was fun to dress up as a butterfly, and for Jamison to dress up as an ape mechanic. This is a horrible pic of me, but my makeup was awesome (thanks to Chelsea).

This is us on our honeymoon

This is us on our 1 year anniversay. I was about 4 weeks knocked up. We got to business pretty quickly in the baby making department.

Then we had this munchkin.

Then I was scared when Jamison started growing a handle bar mustache, then I got over it. Then he shaved it

Then, before I knew it 4 yrs had come and gone (well almost), and here we are with a crazy 2 yr old, and a Jamison junior on the way. insane!

Heres to 4 years and many more to come!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Its time

for flowers to bloom, for swimming, for spending all day outside, and for me to have this baby. I can only describe how I feel in one way...claustrophobic. I just want this child out of me. I went to my doc today and asked her if I was huge. She said, "no, you are totally normal for how far along you are." I didn't want to hear that. I wanted to hear that somehow there was a mistake and I was actually due today, right then. How can my stomach stretch any more? How can I do this for 4 more weeks? How? I now understand the appeal of having a child in the middle of winter (when ms. chase was born), you don't have to deal with the heat. Sorry for the complaining, today has been incredibly uncomfortable. I am very excited for junior to make his grand entrance, lets just pray it is sooner rather than later.

Why, you may be wondering, are there pictures of a little witch when it is the beginning of summer? Well, one of Chase's newest favorite activities is dressing up in her halloween costume from last year and watching The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. She can only watch it with her costume on. Its awesome. She takes after her parents. Our favorite holiday is Halloween.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What the?

Maybe some of you have already seen this...but I couldn't resist posting it. Jamison came home from work tonight and told me I had to watch it. Apparently this is how they teach you English? And apparently you might get robbed so this would be necessary.....hilarious. (found via this blog)