Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Lets take a trip down memory lane

shall we?
Are you aware that Jamison and I have known each other for 7 years? Are you also aware that June 17th is our 4 year anniversary? My how time flys.
I still remember the first time I met Jamison. Our mutual friend Scott had just returned from a mission, and my friend Chelsea and I were going to go to Scotts home to say hello, and welcome him back. Chelsea ended up not being able to go, and I didn't want to go alone, but for some reason I did anyway. And there was Jamison. I remember telling him he looked familiar, and I remember we had some discussion about how we were at the Shilo in togethor when Scott left and Jamison was doing backflips and free style walking. I should have remembered him from that time, but I did not.
(It also has to be mentioned that at that time I had very short Platinum blonde/silverish hair
and looking back at pics I looked kindof scary and maybe like a lesbian, and I am surprised that Jamison even gave me the time of day).
Anyways, to make a long story short, the more I hung out with Jamison the more I realized I couldn't get enough. I wanted to hang out with him all the time forever and ever....and look at us now. Ahh cute.
Here are a few of the pics from our past.
This was around the time we started dating (I think)

This was at a wedding (about 6 yrs ago). Look how young Jamison looks!

Believe it our not, this is Jamison and I dressed up for his oldest brothers wedding (about 5 years ago). He got married on Halloween. It was an interesting wedding, and it turns out it wasn't actually a legal union, but it was fun to dress up as a butterfly, and for Jamison to dress up as an ape mechanic. This is a horrible pic of me, but my makeup was awesome (thanks to Chelsea).

This is us on our honeymoon

This is us on our 1 year anniversay. I was about 4 weeks knocked up. We got to business pretty quickly in the baby making department.

Then we had this munchkin.

Then I was scared when Jamison started growing a handle bar mustache, then I got over it. Then he shaved it

Then, before I knew it 4 yrs had come and gone (well almost), and here we are with a crazy 2 yr old, and a Jamison junior on the way. insane!

Heres to 4 years and many more to come!


Leigh and Craig said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Craig and I have been together almost 7 yrs and married almost 4 too! Crazy!

Aimee said...

Congrats on finding each other and loving each other. Not everyone is so lucky. Happy day.

Humanist mom said...

Aw, I love it! You guys are perfect together. Thanks for the shout out. And why the crap wasn't I with you when Scott got back? I swear I went to see him at one point?

Jessie said...

What a great couple you guys are! Yay!

Scott@VoteOrDieBlog said...

Happy Anniversary and congratulations! That is awesome. Thanks for mentioning me in your story. Yeah, Chelsea, where were you? You guys actually wrote me quite a bit on my mission (near the beginning especially). Thanks! You and Jay are a great couple. I'm happy that you're happy. Jamison is one of the funniest people I know.