Monday, January 18, 2010


Ms. Chase had a birthday. Now she is 3. My how time flys. Of all the memories I have, the most vivid one is of the day she was born, the first time I saw her. I can literally remember it like it was 2 seconds ago, every detail of it. One of the most amazing moments of my life (the other being obviously Mr. Cohen entering the world).

Chase, at 3 I love how you say "Go Dad Go!!" whenever you watch him skateboard or play soccer (you are definatley a daddys girl). I love how you compliment me on things like my eyelashes, "Mom your eyelashes are so pretty today, do you like my eyelashes?" it makes my day. I love how when you get in trouble you say "I was just kidding", like that will make it alright. I love what a protective big sister you one should mess with Cohen with you around, thats for sure. I love your reasoning skills...even though they make no sense, they are hilarious to listen to. I love how you get choked up watching "Up", and the Mickey Mouse Christmas movie. Who would have thought that Goofy's son not believing in Santa Clause could be so heartwrenching to a 3 yr old.I love love love your dance moves. I love how when someone tells you you look pretty you bow and say "Thank you mister" even if it is a girl. I love the pumpkins you draw. They are awesome. I could go on and on. You are beyond stubborn about certain things, and it makes your Dad and I nervous for the teenage years. Heaven help us when that time comes. For now we will just enjoy every amazing moment you give us. We love you!!!


Monday, January 11, 2010

Cohen's entertainment.

Chase was playing around in the mist that comes out of the humidifier last night. Cohen thought it was REALLY funny.

Friday, January 8, 2010

The big bow theory...and other random thoughts.

1. I work with a girl who just recently moved here from Boston. The other day we got in a discussion about baby fashion...mainly because I was telling her I sometimes have a hard time finding clothes for Cohen that I like. Usually what happens when I go clothes shopping for Cohen is I end up finding 1 thing I like for him and about 10 things I like for Chase. For some reason its just so much easier finding cute girl clothes...but thats totally beside the point. The point is, she was telling me how ridiculous she thinks it looks when baby girls have huge bows/flowers in there hair. She claims its totally a Utah thing (though I suspect you could find similar fashions in Idaho/Wyoming). I personnally think that the huge flower (specifically daisy type flower) head band on a baby looks...well...not that cute. But I have seen very cute headbands for baby girls,more vintage style, that I love, and wish would have been around when Chase was a baby. Check out the ones at this etsy shop. So cute!! If you have a baby girl then purchasing one of these is a must.. at least I think so.
What do you think??? Is Utah the "baby fashion disaster" capital of the world (as my friend so nicely put it)?

2. The other night we went with some friends to see Avatar. To be honest, I liked it. Yes, the story line is a love story like many we have all seen before, with a very predictable ending, but seriously the special effects are amazing. If you are going to see it, you must do so in 3d. Also, I have a crush on Sam Worthington...even when he is a blue alien. Deal with it.

3. Speaking of movies, the past few days You've Got Mail has been on the E! channel. I have been catching bits and pieces of it every day when I have a second. I forgot how much I love that movie, and no matter how many times I see it, I cry everytime. Specifically the part when shes looking at her shop for the last time before she closes the doors forever, and you see the image of her and her mom "twirling" in the middle of the store. Sigh. Plus, the fact that there are so many lines in the movie that I love. Example: "Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life - well, valuable, but small - and sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave? So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when shouldn't it be the other way around? I don't really want an answer. I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void. So good night, dear void."

4. Oh, and one more thing about do you feel about this one?

I am undecided. I fear it might be overkill. I think it maybe should have ended after the first movie...but you never know. What do you think??

5. Today was epic. Well, not really...but for the first time my little man sat up by himself for about 3 minutes (with the help of his toes)

6. Sadly, Chase will no longer take a nap most days ( I will miss my hour a day of watching T.V and vegging (sp?) out while she slept), but, the bonus is instead of sitting up and playing/reading for an hour after we read her stories and put her to bed at night, she falls asleep almost instantly. Two nights ago she fell asleep about half way through Fancy Nancy. If you will recall, sometimes she falls asleep with the book open and over her face.
(Sorry. I Guess #'s 5 and 6 weren't so much random thoughts, as they were random facts about my children...geeze! Way to keep with the title of your post Jamie.)

The End.

Friday, January 1, 2010


That is the name that Chase decided to give her doll: SantaClauseAbbyHalloweenDay. I think she basically combined some of her favorite things into one word which she then gave as the name to her doll. Love it. I also love that she sleeps with her huge rings on.
Today is New Years Day. I am tired. We stayed up very late. We had fun plans for today and as we were about to leave Jamison got called into me and the childrens migrated to the bed and I proceeded to take pictures while Chase jumped and Cohen tried to stuff his whole fist in his mouth, because really, we are bored.
Now they are both asleep, and I am bored.

Chubby fingers

Happy New Year!!!