Thursday, August 18, 2011


Lately whenever I do something Cohen doesn't approve of, like making him put on his shoes, he will let me know he doesn't approve by saying "uhhhhg mom! what da heck!". Then yesterday when Nanna was helping him walk on a very narrow path he stumbled and yelled "nanna! what da heck!" and we all burst out laughing. It may not seem that funny now, but when a 2 year old gets all up in your face mad, then says such adult phrases as "what da heck" it is funny. Trust.

If you know me you know I am a Harry Potter fan. A huge Harry Potter fan. As in I have read all the books more than once, and I would love to just lay on my couch one day and watch all the Harry Potter movies start to finish. So it should be no surprise that my 2 year old can regularly be heard yelling "stupify!!" and "expelliarmus!" at his big sister. No he has never scene Harry Potter, and yes he is only 2 so he has no idea what he is saying....but its still awesome. We have taught him that these are the things to shout at people when they are bothering him. And the more I think about it the more awesome it seems. My 2 year old shouting out Harry Potter spells. Freaking hilarious. And now I can hear him in his bedroom taking apart his toddler bed and banging it on the wall. Guess he is awake from the nap. Thats my queue to sign off.......but it has just occurred to me, I wonder if there are Harry Potter costumes small enough for 2 year olds? If we can get him to keep up the spell casting, I think it would be the perfect Halloween costume. How could you resist giving a 2 year old all the candy he wanted if he was at your door dressed as Harry Potter casting spells? I do not believe you could. I believe you would give him all the candy you had on hand.
Just picture him with the round glasses, lightening scar, cape, and wand.


Humanist mom said...

I'm buying him 3 bags of candy. He gets one for being adorable, one for dressing like Harry Potter and shouting spells, and one for saying "What da heck?"

Leigh and Craig said...

awesome. i've got to teach izzy that stuff. oh wait,..she doesn't talk. loved seeing your family at patti's house but missed ya