Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pink Flamingo sun glasses

11:00 am: We enter the zoo
11:05 am: Chase spots the pink flamingo sunglasses. She claims she has to have them. I cave.

Once she puts them on she refuses to take them off. We ride the carousel...with the pink flamingo sunglasses.

12:00pm: she still has not taken them off

Must eat lunch and desert wearing them.

I make her let Cohen try them on. He hates them. She is relieved and puts them back on.

Cohen is cute.

6:00pm: She wants pb and j for dinner. Still won't take off the sunglasses.

7:00pm: Is telling me she loves me in sign language...still won't take off sunglasses.

8:00pm: Watches a whole episode of Barney with the sunglasses on.

9:00pm: Goes to bed with her sunglasses still on.


CKB said...

I like Chase. She is one of my favorites.

hannah said...

I am so glad you caved. I laughed out loud at this post. She is so stinking cute.

Leigh and Craig said...

i laughed out loud too and then craig laughed out loud when I showed it to him. I'm so happy we have a daughter

Sophia said...

Totally worth whatever you paid for them!

mel or kel said...

This is seriously funny!! At least they are really awesome sunglasses and not some crazy ugly ones :)