Monday, May 31, 2010

A few things that happened this holiday weekend worth mentioning.

We learned that Cohen has some serious in if you sit him down on freshly mown grass his eyes will literally swell to the point he can't open them, his nose and eyes both will run nonstop, and he will get a rash all over his face. Thank goodness for benadryl. It got rid of all of the above and also knocked him out.

We went to a fun bbque.

Went up the canyon for a yummy camp fire dinner which was equally as fun. I heart smores. Especially if they are on cinnamon graham crackers.

Cleaned out our shed which resulted in Cohen scoring some great old/new toys. Gotta love the hand me downs from Chase. Bounce and spin Zebra? Oh yes, she got it for Christmas one year and out grew it with in a few months. Cohen loves (along with all the other stuff we rediscovered).

We decided that yes, without a doubt we will be moving.

And I quit my job....oh my eff.


Humanist mom said...

Allergies in kids are the worst! Stella is starting to develop asthma as a result of hers. Booh! Also, how come you quit your job?

Leigh and Craig said...

I love how red that kids hair is! And I love reading your blog!