Saturday, October 15, 2011

My Chase girl

Today she asked me "Mom, do you think I am lovely or silly?". 
I told her she is a little of both and thats why I love her so much.
As I watch her grow up, I am amazed.  The other day at the park I sat back and watched her get mad at a whole group of little kids who were laughing at another little girl.
I could tell she really felt it was her duty to stand up for this little girl, and I was so proud. It was all I could do to not gush to her and go on and on about how happy I was to see her stand up for someone who was being treated unkindly like that....but I know my Chasey girl. She doesn't like lots of attention in certain situations. To much attention in certain situations makes her uncomfortable. So I just let it be. She glanced at me after the whole thing was over with and I gave her a thumbs up, and she beamed. That was all she needed. 

Her dimples, her sharp elbows (that she likes to get her Dad and I with), the way she tells stories and sings made up songs when she thinks no one is listening, the way she stands up for her little brother when he is in trouble, the way she giggles and giggles when I talk to her in my valley girl voice, the way she is always asking her Dad to snuggle her,.....the list goes on.
So many things that make up this little person who is so much a part of me, this girl I love more than there are words to explain. Sometimes I wish I could stop time. I ask her everyday if we can all be best friends forever (me, her, her Dad, and Cohen) and she always says yes, but I'm no dummy. I know that in 10 or so years that tune may change just a little:). There will come a day when she won't think its the coolest thing ever to blast Thriller and dance and sing in the car with her Mom...but I am just enjoying the here and now. Watching those everyday things that that make up who she is and who she will grow up to be. I love every minute of it. 

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