Friday, April 18, 2008

Good things come to those who wait and wait and wait

watching tv with head phones on. of course.
tiny pigtails

brushing teeth

1. I was finally able to put Chase's hair in little pig tails yesterday. It was incredibly hard for me to let it grow out (I am not a fan of the mullet), but I think my patience paid off. She looked awesome with pig tails.
2. After driving the same damn car for 8 yrs, I finally got a new one. Watching my brother in law drive off in the sentra was a bitter sweet moment for me. After all the times I secretly wished she would just blow up, all of the wonderful memories made while in her flashed through my mind as she drove away. The sombrero (or was that the stanza?), driving away in her while sara was still getting out, rear ending the girl who decided after 40 minutes of debating to not call the cops because she just remembered theres a warrant out for her arrest. Now I am over it. Let us never speak of this car again.


CKB said...

Aw, goodbye little Sentra. You will be missed.

Starr said...

Yay for a new car! I may be following your foot steps and getting a new one this year too.

K where do you buy Chase's clothes? She always looks so cute. Tell me!

LeDoux said...

jamie, i want to see more pictures of her! you should post some more of her. she's so stinkin gorgeous. and the headphones! so cute.

Chad and Sara said...

Thanks for the memories little Sentra. That was so funny! What car did you buy? It'll be fun to get together in May.

Chad and Sara said...

Did you get my invite to view my blog? I sent it over a week ago. Just let me know. Email me @

Chad and Sara said...

Happy Birthday Jamie Dawn!!!!!

Aimee said...

I have a hard time saying goodbye to cars too. They house a lot of memories. Good and bad times.

Chase is super darling. I still can't believe she is so so big.