A few months back Staci,Chelsea, and I got togethor for dinner, and we started reminicing about the highschool days. Back then we had a quote book, and whenever someone would say something hilarious it would go in the book. At the dinner we were all wondering what happened to that book of awesome quotes.
Well, yesterday I was going through my old closet at my parents and I found this journal that Staci made for us as a graduation present. In it she put lots of pics, lots of quotes, and lots of 311 stuff (like the ticket the band signed when we went to dv8 to see them). It was a total time warp going through that journal. I loved it! I had totally forgotten about half the stuff we said and did. My favorite is the pic of us all dressed up at Chelseas house ( i apparently chose to be a sailer), our sophomore year around christmas time. I admit we were pretty dorky (could we have been anymore obsessed with 311), We thought we were pretty freaking awesome.

(only those that said them will find them funny)
"Where is the little man? he is the protector of the quotes" -jamie
"I wish that was a mating noise" -chelsea
"look at my finger" -bret-o
"oh la la wa wa la la" -chels and jamie mating call
"is this shirt see through? no it just looks like your tan line" -marin and otis
"let us go cause havoc" -everyone
"after the sur-gar-ey" -staci