Monday, January 18, 2010


Ms. Chase had a birthday. Now she is 3. My how time flys. Of all the memories I have, the most vivid one is of the day she was born, the first time I saw her. I can literally remember it like it was 2 seconds ago, every detail of it. One of the most amazing moments of my life (the other being obviously Mr. Cohen entering the world).

Chase, at 3 I love how you say "Go Dad Go!!" whenever you watch him skateboard or play soccer (you are definatley a daddys girl). I love how you compliment me on things like my eyelashes, "Mom your eyelashes are so pretty today, do you like my eyelashes?" it makes my day. I love how when you get in trouble you say "I was just kidding", like that will make it alright. I love what a protective big sister you one should mess with Cohen with you around, thats for sure. I love your reasoning skills...even though they make no sense, they are hilarious to listen to. I love how you get choked up watching "Up", and the Mickey Mouse Christmas movie. Who would have thought that Goofy's son not believing in Santa Clause could be so heartwrenching to a 3 yr old.I love love love your dance moves. I love how when someone tells you you look pretty you bow and say "Thank you mister" even if it is a girl. I love the pumpkins you draw. They are awesome. I could go on and on. You are beyond stubborn about certain things, and it makes your Dad and I nervous for the teenage years. Heaven help us when that time comes. For now we will just enjoy every amazing moment you give us. We love you!!!



hannah said...

Happy Birthday Chase:)

Aimee said...

Cute tribute. Can't believe she is three!

Happy birthday to the lovely eyelashed Chase.

Sophia said...

That is such a sweet post. You are a sweet mom and it shows.

CKB said...

I love Chase and her awesomely free spirit! Stella was so mad at me for not letting her go to Chase's birthday party and infect all the other children with her horrid rasping cough.

Happy Birthday Chase!

Jessie said...

The pic of Chase on the swing is so cute! I love it. Happy B-day Chase!!