And here my friends is our summer thus far via pictures. This is what happens when I mean to post on this blog, then I don't. I end up uploading a hellofalot of pictures. Crikey that wasn't fun...all that uploading. So basically for your viewing convenience I have broken the pictures up for you in the correct category with very little text.
(chase is there right now with my parents minus us. I miss her)
Before this movie started there was a reptile demonstration put on my some nice fellow who's name has slipped my mind. Chase held a snake and loved it. She has a soft spot for all reptiles. I do not. See how the snakes head is resting on my fingers? Just know that my first instinct was to scream and throw the snake to the ground and run reallly fast in the other direction. It took a lot of will power to just stand there and act like everything was cool.
I can't remember if that is what the lodge was called, but its close. We went up with Jamison's family and stayed in a little cabin right by the lake. Much fun was had. Water balloon fight. Trying to scare the nephews in the night.Hiking to the gorgeous view. Chase and Cohen dance party. Just to name a few of the marvelous memories made on the trip.
Nephew Gage, and Cohen enjoying the view.
Dave and Cohen. On this trip Dave taught Cohen to say "whats up bro?". Just tonight as I was putting Cohen to bed he said to me "I want Dave whats up bro". I think he now thinks thats part of Dave's name.
Cohen and Scott
I told Cohen there was a spider on my camera. Hence the look he is giving me.
Me and my boy porch sitting on a rainy summer day.
I love summer. Also, I shouldn't post so many pictures in one post. There is actually more summer shananagans I want to post, but I am pretty much over it for tonight. I suffer from an upload overload. Boo ya.
Unbelievable that today this little man is 2. Wasn't he born just yesterday? I feel that way. I feel like I blinked and 2 years had come and gone. Sometimes I want to yell "WAIT, WAIT, WAIT COHEN! PLEASE DON'T GROW UP SO FAST!".
And now on this, the 2nd birthday of my little man, here are some things about him worth mentioning:
Now that he is 2 I have resigned myself to the fact that he is ready to be potty trained. The fact that he pretends to go potty on the toilet has made it clear that it is time. I am not looking forward to it.
He will repeat anything you be careful what you say around him.
He has started rolling his eyes. As in if you bug him or ask him to do something he doesn't want to do, he will roll his eyes and say "oh brother" at which point you will fall over from laughing so hard because I promise it will be one of the funniest things you will ever see.
His two favorite songs to sing are Wheels On The Bus, and Happy Birthday.
He also enjoys putting you in "time out". He will get all up in my face, or Chase's face, or Jamison's face and yell "YOU! TIME OUT! NOW!"
For the past year his legs have been covered with cuts and bruises, and you will often find a goose egg on his head. He also has a black eye right now (courtesy of the latch on our gate). Sometimes I fear people think we beat him. I promise you, it is just his pure uninhibited little boy wildness. He never stops, not even for a bleeding cut on his knee. He is going non stop from 8am to 9pm and never slows down. He is exhausting to say the least. He keeps this whole house on its toes.
He loves to wrestle his big sister (she on the other hand only loves it about half the time).
I quite enjoy when he screams "BODY SAAAAAMMM", then proceeds to body slam whoever happens to be laying down.
One of my favorite things is when he says "wook mama wook", then he shows me something very an ant crawling on the sidewalk, or some great thing he just learned to do and is so excited to show me.
A few days ago he and Jamison watched the cartoon The Incredible Hulk. Ever since then Cohen has been saying "HULK SMASH!!", as he balls his little hands into fists. Pretty darn cute.
I guess I should wrap this up. I really could go on and on and on. I love him so much. Every inch of him. Even when he is screaming the infamous Cohen scream (which I am fairly certain is going to be the reason I am deaf by the time I am 40. I thought it would be the hundreds of concerts I went to in my younger days that would be responsible for my loss of hearing. Nope. It will most likely be Cohen's insanely loud screams).
Cohen I love you so very much. I could never get enough of kissing those chubby cheeks, or your sloppy kisses, or when you pretend to be a cat (hilarious!). HAPPY BIRTHDAY my little man!
Some intax minis I have taken in the past few months of the birthday boy.
At the Oakley rodeo. He wasn't to into any of the actual rodeo, but when the fire works started he was amazed. The 3 days after the rodeo every other sentence out of his mouth included the word "firewooks".
At Jamison's soft ball game the other night. I loved how curly the humidity was making his hair.
My Mom got the golden shot of Cohen rolling his eyes. She probably told him to smile at which point he probably said "oh brother" and rolled his eyes.
Hose water is very refreshing.
The birthday boy and his big sis.
This is the only picture I took yesterday at his birthday party. We had family over for cake and ice cream to celebrate. My Mom brought all the little kids these awesome sunglasses. Cohen would only wear his on top of his head and we could barely get Chase to take hers off.
This is a video I took tonight at my Mom and Step-dad's. We went there for dinner, and afterwards Chase and Cohen started messing around on my Mom's living room floor. Mostly dancing and spinning. The action died down as soon as I started taking a video (of course). Although I must say, at around 41 seconds Cohen's moves get pretty awesome. And of course only because I was taking a video we couldn't get Cohen to sing Happy Birthday, or tell us that today he turned 2. He did sing a very cute rendition of Happy Birthday as soon as I stopped taking a video (of course). I am also very sad I couldn't get him to say "hulk smash" ...but it sounds pretty spectacular when I say it, as you will hear at the end of the video:)
I think the highlight of Cohen's birthday today was getting a ride in Grandpa's (or as Cohen calls him "papa's) truck. It is crazy how obsessed Cohen is with trucks. There was one time when we were in St. George and I wanted to take a picture of him with all the beautiful red cliffs in the back ground, but the only way he would let me get a picture is if he could stand in front of Papa's truck. And if he sees it, or anyone happens to mention it, I can guarantee the next 20 minutes you will hear nothing but "ride papa's truck?" or "I wanna go papa's truck peeeeese!!"
Its 102 degrees. I am thanking my lucky stars that we finally got our AC working yesterday.
All urgency I felt to get our house all unpacked and in order is gone. There are still boxes and things stacked everywhere. I have decided that once the basement is done (which it almost is), then I will take a day to get my shiz in order. I had this goal to get the house looking spick and span by the 4th of July because we are having friends over for a bbque. So much for that. I want to hang pictures and get some furniture painted people.
I am going to blame my laziness on the heat.
Now I am going to watch Madeline with Chase.
Happy Sunday.
P.S. This post should have been titled "spontaneous post with no point with random pictures of Cohen washing his feet". I am bored.
I am Jamie. This is my blog. If you want to read about my family, my life, what I love, and maybe stuff I don't love, and whatever else I feel like writing about, then by all means keep reading.