Saturday, August 23, 2008


This is a blog to show appreciation of all my awesome friends, new and old, those I have known for a short time,and those I have known my whole life. As I grow older I find myself surrounded by great people, but people who dont understand the joy in mooning someone, or driving around all night listening to insane music, or leaving christmas trees on doorsteps, or simply dancing in the living room because you can.I miss you guys and for those of you I dont see anymore, I think about you often and I am so glad I had you in my life (you know who you are).Now that I have a little girl I only hope she has as many awesome moments with as many awesome people as I have. Who else would break into there boyfriends house only to take pics of there own butt cracks,or drive around with a license plate that says "i lie to boys" or find joy in taking pics with micheal jackson ( the barbie), or laugh for hrs just because someone reclined the front seat in the car really fast.. I mean seriously I could go on for hrs...but I wont. I will just say of all the people in the world I think I know the coolest ones.

(If this blog sounds familiar to anyone its because I actually posted it on Myspace about a year ago, but after getting togethor with my bestest of friends last night and having the best time ever, I thought it only appropriate to post it again. Its about time we went and saw SATC togethor! Marin we missed you at the movie! Chelsea! please email me the pics you took in the theatre!)


CKB said...

Ah, last night was so fun. I am so glad we got to go out. Every time we get together, it makes me want to hang out with everyone even more. We have all changed so much, yet we are all so much the same. We really do have the best group of friends ever.

Chad and Sara said...

I'm so sad I couldn't be there! You guys are so much fun and I miss you all a ton. You all look so beautiful to. We did have the best times together. I am for sure coming when we get together next month.

LeDoux said...

oh, j. dawn... sigh sigh sigh. why did we have so much fun? why was everything that we did the funniest thing we ever? i'm sad i wasn't there. it would have been awesome to see all you guys. i can't believe you are all in the same place! what a treat. seriously, treasure it. xoxoxo to every one of you!