Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Yeah, we're kindof a big deal

But not really. I feel as though I don't update my blog as much as I should. I feel as though I don't care enough about blogging. What is wrong with me? Nothing. But the strangest thing...this morning I had the overwhelming desire to blog, and since I don't have anything really specific to blog about other than the goings on of my family, then I am going to give you an update on what is up with us yo.This is Chase asleep. I like taking pictures of her sleeping because she is so peaceful, and when she is awake there is never peace. Dont you just want to plant a kiss on that cheek? Sometimes I get overwhelmed with Ms. Chase. Sometimes all day I feel like I am saying "No hitting, No screaming, No kicking, you need to share, no tantrums today, etc etc etc." She just gives me this look, this look that says "I will do what I want." So sometimes I say a prayer that I am having some sort of influence over this free spirit, and then I pray that when the baby is born Chase won't try to shove crackers down his/her throat during those 2 seconds that I'm not looking. I can almost gaurantee that that is going to happen. But seriously she is the funniest person I have ever met. I get a good laugh at least 10 times a day thanks to her.

And then there is me. Jamie. I am fat and pregnant. This is the only picture you will see of yours truly during this pregnancy. I have no desire to document this special time with pictures of myself. But, I will say this. There are big plans for after this baby is born. Big plans that involve serious sweat and tears and getting that old me back. Thats all I will say. I don't want to jinx anything duh! My main goals in life right now are getting my butt back in school, getting a new camra, traveling lots and lots when Jamison is done with school,etc. I actually have a goal to read less. Jamison thinks I am a big nerd and read to much. Is that even possible? Could it be that I am actually freaking awesome? But I do basically have a library in my very small house. Maybe I should take advantage of the real library more often. I have always had a dream of building this huge library in my house (kindof like the one in Beauty and the Beast), and when ever I buy a book the thought seriously crosses my mind "this will one day be put on the shelf of the dream library." Maybe I am a nerd. But listen, I also like to dance, buy way to much makeup, and I scuba dive. Bet you think I'm cool now huh?

Jamison is awesome. He works full-time, goes to the U full-time, is an awesome Dad and Husband full-time. At night I watch the office on the ipod while he watches skate videos on his. He has converted me to some awesome music (other than the 70's crap). He can also do a backflip from solid ground. He plays basketball on Thursdays, and then comes home and says he is an old man. In reality he still looks like he is 19. I have tried to convince him to start a facebook account since most of his friends are on facebook, and he refuses. When I am far to dramatic he makes fun of me (in a way that makes me laugh). He could care less about things that shouldn't be cared about, which is a wonderful example for me. He hardly ever says anything bad about anyone. I love all his freckles. The only time I have ever seen him almost get in a fight is when I was watching him play basket ball a few yrs back and some fat kid said to him "calm down big red" and Jamison I think had visions of punching him. And the best part is, when it comes to his school, there is a faint light at the end of the tunnel. We are hoping he only has one year left, and then..I can't even imagine. I can't imagine him actually coming home after work and being home from 4:00 on. It will be paradise.

And thats all folks.

p.s we find out if it is a boy or girl tomorrow!! (we are thinking boy, since at my 13 wk ultra sound she said she thought it might be a boy, but i wasnt far enough along to tell for sure).


Lindsay said...

It's good to hear about the Darbys. And, no, I don't think you are a nerd for reading way too much...Only the cool folks read a lot (or that's what I tell myself)

I look forward to hearing the gender of little Darby.

Humanist mom said...

I have a new found respect for each member of your family. Chase for being hilarious at all times, you for being a scuba diver, and Jamison for being able to back flip. We have known each other since birth and still, I love finding out new things about you.

Chad and Sara said...

Jamie you kill me. I loved this post and I totally agree with you that I don't really ever feel like blogging. If you go back to school what are you going into. That would be awesome. One day mabey I'll go back to. Hey mabey we could both go to UVU just like the old days? I hear ya with the school thing cause even though Chad graduates in 2 months it doesn't seem real but I promise it will go by fast and then you can see your hubby a ton more. This really long but I just have to say Chase is so freakin cute and we need to go to lunch again soon.