Friday, January 1, 2010


That is the name that Chase decided to give her doll: SantaClauseAbbyHalloweenDay. I think she basically combined some of her favorite things into one word which she then gave as the name to her doll. Love it. I also love that she sleeps with her huge rings on.
Today is New Years Day. I am tired. We stayed up very late. We had fun plans for today and as we were about to leave Jamison got called into me and the childrens migrated to the bed and I proceeded to take pictures while Chase jumped and Cohen tried to stuff his whole fist in his mouth, because really, we are bored.
Now they are both asleep, and I am bored.

Chubby fingers

Happy New Year!!!

1 comment:

Leigh and Craig said...

I have those same jammies for Izzy. They are so cute!