Tuesday, August 17, 2010

First day of Preschool.

Can you believe that this little baby girl has turned into...

this preschool going 3yr old?

Because I can not believe it. In fact, for the past few months I have been desperately trying not to think about it. But today I couldn't push it to the back of my mind any longer. Today she started preschool. We woke up early, had a yummy breakfast, got ready, took pictures....then the inevitable. It was time to drop her off. She was excited, not the least bit nervous (except right when we got there I could sense a tiny bit of nervousness), but she soon go over it and headed inside without a backwards glance.
I might have shed a few tears on the way home.
Its not easy watching my girl grow up.
But I am so very proud of my Ms. Chase.


CKB said...

She is so adorable. And I am with you today. Stella started her first full day of school today. I don't get to see her until 4pm. I'm not sure what to do with myself.

The Airharts said...

oh my, look at her cute shoes...can i have some just like it! Hadley is going tostart pre school soon too, but it is 5 days a week and 6 hours a day..oh my I think I might die just thinking about it!