Friday, August 20, 2010

The Homestead and Johnny Depp.

This past week we spent some time at the Homestead with Jamison's family. For whatever reason I only pulled out my camera when the boys were skateboarding....hence all the skateboarding pictures. So although it may look like thats all that was done, it wasn't. Lots of swimming, game playing, yummy food, and Arrested Development watching.
Sadly we ended up leaving early because I didn't want Chase to miss any more days of preschool, since she will be missing even more when we go to Disneyland (YAY!).
But we were able to spend some good quality time with Jamison's Mom and family.
Twas a blast.
Andrew taking Cohen for a skateboard ride.

Blurry Jamison skateboarding.

Andrew skateboarding (which Cohen was extremely fascinated by)

Jamison showing how its done.

My handsome/messy boy.

cousins Kade, Andrew, and Ms. Chase

Jamison and the kids at the top of the crater.

Now, you may be wondering what this Johnny Depp business is all about.
Let me tell you.
Jamison's brother David used to live in Hawaii. He moved back to SLC a few months back.
Jamison's 2 other brothers still live in Hawaii.
As you may or may not know there is a 4th Pirates of the Caribbean currently being filmed in Hawaii....basically in Jamison's brothers back yard (or back ocean?)
Anyways, whilst at the Homestead David received a few text messages from a friend of his still living in Hawaii.
I wanted to share them with the world.
This is probably the closest I will be to Johnny Depp. It is no secret how much I love him.
The fact that my brother-in-law has a good friend who was this close to my Johnny gives me butterflies in my tummy. I'm not going to lie.

Here we have the Black Pearl. How would you like to be Jamison's brothers who can look outside and see this everyday? Personally I would enjoy that.

Oh, and heres Johnny himself heading to the set.
There are those butterflies.

Pictures taken by Dave's friend, who I am jealous of because she was this close to Johnny.
Unfortunatly I don't know her name.

I hope you all enjoyed them as much as I did.
Thanks to Dave for sharing them with me:)

1 comment:

CKB said...

Oh my goodness, those pictures gave me chills too. Wow.