Friday, May 30, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Book review

I just finished stephenie meyers new book, "The Host", and to be honest I was a little disappointed. There were parts I liked, but those were the beginning and the last 2 chapters. Everything inbetween I thought was fairly boring. Before I read it I heard from a few others how good it was......but I just cant agree. I did think the concept of the book was really cool, until Jamison and I watched Invasion last night and I realized that this book is the PG rated version of that movie. Keep in mind this is coming from the girl who liked, but did not love, the twilight series (although, I am thinking about re reading them in preperation for the next book).

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The latest and greatest

Jamison: His life consists of working full time and going to the U full time. Being that I only get to see him for about an hour a night, I miss him. He is such a hard worker and such an amazing Dad. Seeing him with our little girl gets me every time. He has had a bit of a break this summer so he has been going golfing a few mornings a wk, and from what I am told, he is amazingly good. I am hoping Chase got his athletic abilities, because to say the least mine are lacking (although I have been known to bust some nice moves in my younger days haha).

Chase Emma: She is my little rebel wild woman, and I love it. She is hitting that age that is lots of fun and lots of work. I spend lots of time chasing her. I just signed us up for a kindermusic class that starts in June, so I am looking forward to that. I took her to the childrens museum the other day and she loved it. It was so nice to just sit while she ran around and played. She also loves the aquarium and the zoo, and basically anything that can hold her attention for more than 2 seconds (which is hard to find). She has started saying mama and dada, and fish.....which is slightly random, but whatever. She also just learned how to do a sumersault by herself, and actually get off the ground when she jumps. Its so funny watching her learn new things because she gets so proud of herself. I could go on and on about her for 10 pages but I will spare you.

Me!:Nothing to exciting going on here. I spend the majority of my time entertaining Chase. I work 2 days a week, which is actually kindof nice sometimes. I have started looking at it as a nice little break. The girls I work with have got me hooked on Sex and the City. I have rented the seasons, and watch it everynight after Chase goes to bed. I am hoping I can get them watched so I can go with everyone to the movie. The last thing I needed was another T.V show to get hooked to....but I cant help it!! I have been sucked in.
I am proud to say I have been going to the gym every morning (this is huge for me, being that I have no motivation to work out). I have sucked it up and dealt with the boredom of working out. Yay for me! I do have a long term goal of running a marathon. I have some runners in my fam and they have inspired me.
I have found a secret love of gardening, and I am still considering getting a tatoo.
The end.

Monday, May 12, 2008


So, mothers day is always a little insane for us, being that we get to celebrate it times 4 (well, actually times 5 including myself,and after reading this it does sound slightly polygamous, but alas we are not). Since our parentals are all divorced and remarried Jamison and I both have awesome moms and stepmoms to whom I just wanted to say thanks for being so amazing!!!

And on that note, as a mom I could use a little advice from all you moms out there. Chase has started going through this phase of major atittude. The dreaded temper tantrums have begun, along with hitting, and refusing to stay by my side when we are out and about. She is so independent, which could be a good thing, but it scares me when she is running up to strangers wanting them to pick her up! ahhh! Someone said to me "Well, are you giving her enough attention?" After the initial urge to smack them, I explained that Chase probably gets to much attention. Jamison and I have tried ignoring it when she acts up, because feeding into it makes her laugh and want to do it more. The doctor suggested putting her in her crib for just 2 minutes when she acts up. That doesnt work either. She is only 15 months old, so its not like there is a ton I can do. So.... any suggestions? Jamisons family is constantly telling me that he acted exactly how Chase acts, attitude and all. So, maybe its just how it is. There are days that I love her independance and days I stress about it and imagine all the horrible things that could happen because of all the freaks out there. Oh the joys of motherhood. Its the most scary, rewarding, stressful, joyful thing in the world.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

random pics, and first time at the zoo

cutest butt crack ever.

jumping with dad

very mad that she cant open the door to get outside.

we bought this tiger at the zoo, and she clung to it the whole time we were there. It was pretty cute.

such a little helper. she always insists on helping me push.

These are just some random pics taken over the past wk. I took Chase to the zoo for the first time yesterday and she loved it, but not because of the animals. She quit enjoyed the fences she was able to climb, the train, and the fountain at the entrance of the zoo. When we left she started screaming and made a few attempts at running back in. It was funny. Hopefully when she is older she will appreciate the actual animals a bit more.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Best day

Today was the best day. It all started when I was standing in line at normandie cafe to get something to eat. When it came time for the lady infront of me to order her food she says to me "you go ahead, I am waiting for my daughter". So I ordered and stepped aside, not thinking much of it. Well while I was waiting I watched this mom greet her daughter when she walked in, and give her a big hug, and tell her how beautiful she looked today, and for some reason it got me all choked up ( I am such an emotional dork). And then to top it off as they are leaving she says to me "you enjoy that little angel, they grow up way to fast."
So, it was at this moment I decided to heck with the stuff I should do today, Chase and I are going to spend the whole day having fun, and I am not going to take for granted her kisses and cuddles, which at this point in her life she so freely gives. So we played outside walking up and down the curb 100 times because now she can walk up and down stairs so of course we should do it over and over again dah, then we jumped on nannas tramp, then we cuddled on the couch and watched baby einstein, then we pretended to be trains, and I made sure to tell her I loved her at least 1000 times, because I know when she gets older I am going to miss days like today, days where I know she loves hangin with her mom.
Now she is fast asleep, and I miss her, and its so cheesy, but I know any mom can completly understand.