Friday, September 19, 2008

Chase face

I realized I havent blogged about the munchkin lately, which is suprising because she is a major hand full. I used to be one of those silly people that would look at other peoples children misbehaving and would think to myself "I will make sure my children never act like that."
Thats before I had the wild child who is the best at throwing herself to the ground screaming at the top of her lungs, kicking, biting, throwing things, and pulling my hair.
But despite it all I love her more than life itself, and in some wierd way I kindof like that she is rebellious, and likes to do her own thing.
Speaking of which ,lately whenever I try to take her pic and tell her to "smile!", she makes this funny face (see above pic where shes holding the hamburger), which kindof bugs being that she has the best little smile with the cutest dimples, so I have to catch her unawares, but it never works. oh well.


Aubrey Leong said...

I am so the same way. Before I had kids I always thought that MY kids would never be aloud to behave that way. Then when you are in the situation it is like- crap what do I do! But we all learn how to deal with it and that is just life! It gets better as they get older!

CKB said...

Oh, well I never let my kids behave that way. Mine are perfect little angels that obey and mind whenever I ask them to. Oh wait, except for Thursday at the zoo when Stella had a tantrum on the carosel and I had to get her off and tell her she couldn't ride. Oh, and that other time that I took her to the aquarium and she didn't want to look at the sting rays so she started screaming like she was being beaten. Oh, and every day when I ask her to clean her room. Oh, and also whenever I tell them "no". But other than that, they are perfect angels.

The Airharts said...

Hadley does a lame "cheese" face too! I have been hoping that it will go away, but she still does it-every time she sees a camera or phone thats the face we get-I have to sneak pictures most of the time. I also thought I would have a magic eye or face that would scare my kid enough to not have to deal with tantrums-it turns out I still have a scary face, but it dosnt fix the tantrums, spitting, yelling, biting, etc. At least we're not alone-haha