Thursday, March 12, 2009

Just call me the leaky faucet with a crooked nose

Today I have cried a lot. There are many different reasons, none of which I will tell you. Well, actually I will tell you a few. A song on the radio, a blog, the fact that it was taking so long to vacuum my car, and a few other ones. I assume its because I am pregnant. I think Chase thinks her mom has gone insane. I didn't get this emotional when I was prego with her. Maybe its because this time around its a boy (speaking of which I hate thinking of boy names because I can't think of any I really like, only ones I kindof like).
The other day I was watching Australia (which is a tear jerker pregnant or not), and Jamison was in the kitchen doing homework. Well, it gets to the part in the movie when Sarah Ashley is looking for Nahla, and realizes that they are taking him to Mission Island,and is trying to stop them, and then when she can't she tells Nahla "no matter what happens I will find you." And then he tells her "I will sing you to me Ms. Boss" (or something like that). Anyways, I completly lost it. I was bawling. I could not hold it in. Usually when I get that urge to cry, if I am around people I am really good at holding back, but this time there was no stopping me. Jamison heard my sniffles and turned around, and then I lost it even more. Once I knew that Jamison knew I was crying I just couldn't stop. Hes trying to comfort me, I'm trying to hide my face, we realize how wierd this whole situation is, and we start to laugh.I was basically laughing and crying at the same time. Just thinking about that part in the movie is making me tear up again. The moral of this story is, if one day we are talking, and you start telling me how you were walking down the street, and I start crying, just look away until I can get it under control, then resume the conversation as if nothing has happened.
Also , a few other things. Looking at pictures of myself I realize how crooked my nose is.
The above picture is a reminder that, through the tears over nothing, I will remain positive.
So, thumbs up to that fools!!


Aimee said...

I loved this post. You are so funny. Crying is expected and I love how you are remaining positive even in the tears.

LeDoux said...

jamie, you are so funny. i laughed out loud when you said you cried because it took you so long to vaccum your car. seriously. so. funny.

jamie said...

Sarah, I hope that you read this, because I hate that I can't comment on your blog! Sometimes I just have things to say to you,and I just can't say them.

Emily said...

who doesn't cry all the time I thought it was normal. Just kidding I love the story. Sorry Devin already saw watchmen and I chickened out of it. Still we should get a date night together. We'll have to find another movie

Humanist mom said...

I have never thought that your nose was crooked. Still don't. Also, I am becoming the crying wife. I hate it and hope it will end after my body is regulated from quitting Celexa. I hate being a crying person. People who cry annoy me, and that is who I have become. At least we can go through this together.

Jessie said...

Oh Jamie! You are so cute! I had to lol while reading your post, but I'm so sorry about the leaky faucet. I'm a crier too...maybe it's genetic, then add prego and hot dog you turn into a leaky faucet! I saw Australia with my team from work for one of our "team building" activities and I cried like a baby. Nothing like crying infront of all your co-workers!
PS: Your nose is NOT crooked...that's crazy talk!