Monday, February 15, 2010

Wish you were here.

My Mom sent me this pic from her phone whilst in Hawaii a few days ago.I think she was trying to torture me. While I am home in the cold winter weather, shes sending me pics of sunset beach walks. They just got back...and now Jamison is heading to Hawaii come Friday....without me and the kiddos. Am I a little jealous? Yes. But given the circumstances, I understand. His 3 brothers are currently living in Hawaii, so it will be good for him to go see them. He's taking the trip with his sister and Mom. His Mom just got some bad news about her health, so they decided that now would be the perfect time to take the trip and visit the brothers, before she starts her treatment. Keep her in your prayers and send some positive energy her way. She will need it these coming months.


Humanist mom said...

I'm so sorry about your mother in law. I hope everything works out okay for her and I hope you get a trip to Hawaii soon!

hannah said...

Sad to hear about Jamison's Mum - I hope she gets better soon. We will keep her in our thoughts.
I am sorry that you have to stay behind but at least you get to visit Hawaii every Tuesday night, even if the trip is getting more and more disappointing every week!! (heehee)