Sunday, July 11, 2010

The three in one post.

1. The Cabin
June 30th me and the kids headed up to the cabin with my family for a few days. Unfortunaly it was right around the time we were starting the move, so Jamison stayed behind to pack. Lets just say that my stress level at this time (and for the next few weeks to come) was at its max. The cure for stress at its max? The Cabin.
Oh how I love it there.
As usual lots of good times were had, and fun memories made.

My Mom telling me to "Rock On" from cabin balcony.
Oh motha, you are so silly.

Ms. Chase on the 4-wheeler having a good old time.

Ms. Chase in the "Bear Cave". Thats what she calls it. Its actually just a hut made of sticks that people have added to over the years. Its gotten pretty ginormous.

The lake behind the cabin.

Chase and I putting our toes in the icy cold river. Nothing more refreshing on a 98 degree day.

And while we're at it why not throw and attempt to skip some rocks.

Mr. Cohen just hanging out, walking around, seeing what he could possibly get into. Just one more year and we can stick a helmet on that cute little head and take him on the 4-wheeler.

View from the balcony. Lake and then river behind.

Cousin Hailey and Chase having a pre bedtime snack on the balcony.

Hailey, Zach, Jordan, Chase. These four had lots of fun togethor.

Hailey giving Chase a piggy back ride.

My nephew Jordan and I on the 4-wheeler. We crossed the stream which Jordan was nervous about...but once we did it he insisted we turn around and do it over and over again. He thought it was pretty funny how wet I was getting while he sat nice and dry and high on the seat behind me.

Chase, Nanna, and Hailey

Helmet head.

swimming suckas!

Me and the girls just before a ride. There are many reasons why I hate this picture of me. Ugly sunglasses, fat leg, just to name a few. Also shortly after this pic was taken, while we were on the ride, I got us stuck on a very steep hill. Luckily my Mom was infront of us. After screaming out her name around 10 times she comes running back thinking one of the girls had fallen off. Really they had not. And really I just needed to shift down a gear to get up the hill.
I am awesome. No wonder it took 3 days of begging to get Chase to finally ride with her Mom and not Nanna. She knows what an awesome driver I am.

Fishing!!! Chase was stoked to have a barbie fishing pole that she could pretend to fish with. Also her cup is full of fish food, which the fish go crazy for. Literally you throw one pebble of it in the lake and hundreds of fish instantly swarm to the shore. Kids love it.

On this particular day Zack and Jordan were the only ones lucky enough to catch a fish (with Grandpas help in getting it off the line)

Cohen just walking around. Rockin and Rollin and whatnot.

The kids couldn't leave without getting in one more fish feeding.....
then we were off. I felt rejuvenated and ready for the things awaiting me at home.
We had one night to unpack, and repack for the move.
It was a little crazy, and although the cabin trip was just what the kids and I needed, I'm still not sure it was the best idea to do in the middle of moving...

2. The Oakley Rodeo. Yee Ha.
Our 4th of July this year was spent in the stands of the Oakley Rodeo. I do love the Oakley Rodeo. This year I talked Jamison into coming with us. Last year I couldn't talk him into coming because Jamison and anything related to cowboy anything does not mix.
Lets just say that I think he was secretly entertained. Maybe it was those cowgirls in their tight jeans riding their horses? Who knows.
The kids had a blast. Cohen just needed Chase's sunglasses and he was good to go.

Hailey and me.

Chase enjoying herself. She had a great time. I was nervous she would get bored, but she was glued to the action the whole time.
When the rodeo ends they do a big fireworks show, and for the first time in her 3 yrs of life Chase wasn't scared of them. Twas great.
Cohen just sat in Jamison's lap and stared at the sky. Fairly certain loud noises have no effect on him since he is so used to Chase screaming in his face on a regular bases. They actually have screaming contests in the car sometimes. You can imagine my joy in hearing it while I drive.

3. The Move
So, here I sit, in our new house blogging. It took almost a week to get the internet. Blah.
Thanks goodness for the iphone.
So......lets just say that this house and I, it was not love at first sight. Its taken me a week or so to feel OK with living here.
For those of you who don't know the situation, this house we reside in is actually Jamison's Dad and step-mom's house. They are currently in Georgia serving a mission.
We are essentially house sitting/saving money while they are gone. Jamison graduates this month and we aren't sure what our next step will be in life or where we may end up so this is our inbetween while we try to figure it all out and hopefully start the process of purchasing a home sometime this year.
When his parents approached us about the idea of living here while they were gone, we thought it was a good idea....and really it is, but when it came down to doing it its been pretty hard for me for many different reasons. One of which, I miss my old house with all my stuff. I know it sounds silly but I liked my stuff. I liked how my home represented who I was. Its taking some getting used to to be here, with not all my stuff and someone else's stuff. Its hard to really feel at home. Ya know?
But I shouldn't complain. In the long run this is going to help us a ton, and for that I am grateful.
Chase has had a hard time also and keeps asking when we can go home and telling us she doesn't like it here. I know it will just take time for her to get used to it and make some new little friends...but I know how she feels.
We are here for 1 year, and honestly, knowing me, when the year is up I probably will love it so much I won't want to move.

(btw, yesterday my little man turned 1....but this post is long enough. Few more days and I will be posting about the party festivities.)

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