Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Lion King

Last night Jamison and I went to The Lion King at Capitol Theatre. Amazing.
We only had two tickets and I debated taking Chase instead of Jamison, but the tickets were a little pricey and in the end I decided I didn't want to chance taking Chase and have her not be able to sit through the whole thing.

I should have taken Chase.

Actually, Jamison did enjoy it...but he isn't really a theatre type of guy.
I have taken him to Les Miserables, Mamma Mia, and Fiddler on the Roof. Really I am lucky that he would go to all of them with me because he never really enjoys himself (the majority of the plays my Mom and I go to alone so the boys don't have to be tortured).
The seats at capital theatre are tiny and there is almost no space between the rows, which for a 6 foot 2 guy is extra uncomfortable.

Besides the fact that "when ever he sits down and the play starts he gets the sudden urge to fart and pee".
His words exactly.
Classy right?
Well all I can say is, if you get the chance go see Lion King, DO IT. And there were tons of little kids there, so now I know, I probably should have taken Chase.
Next time for sure!

Now we are off to Disneyland.


hannah said...

I am taking Amira in September...we are so excited :)

Humanist mom said...

I can tell by the look on Jamison's face that he really does need to fart and pee.

Starr said...

the urge to fart and pee made me laugh for five minutes. your husband is awesome!