Saturday, September 18, 2010

Stars and stripes and barf and park.

Hence the "stars and stripes" portion of the title.
Don't worry. There are no pictures of barf. Only the knowledge that on the one weekend we try to get away just the 4 of us both of my kids start throwing up.
Its so great when you are holding your child and they throw up all over you.
Barf in my hair, down my shirt, pretty much all over my being.
It was an experience that I hope to never relive. We came home today instead of tomorrow, due to the nastiness of them both being sick.
And of course now that we are home they are both just fine (hopefully....).
We did manage to get a few good pics of us hiking around in between the end of Cohen's barfing extravaganza, and the beginning of Chase's.
But...enough about barf.

How about we talk about the amazing time of year that is fall. Walking around Christmas Meadows in the high uintas throwing rocks in the river while the leaves are changing....I mean it doesn't get much better than that.
Also, during the drive up (before the barf fest started), I was reading Martha Stewarts October issue magazine, and really I just want to be Halloween crafty. I want to make crafty Halloween/pumpkin gift tags with fall leaves like Martha does. And then I want to make cute bags full of Halloween candy and tie my crafty tags to them and give them to my neighbors and they will be impressed with my craftiness.
Oh Martha, I envy your craftiness.
Also, what if your name was Martha? I would call you Marth.

Pics at the park by our house.
Imagine a high pitched screeching noise. Then imagine its coming out of Cohen's mouth.
Now you know what he is doing about 90% of the time.
The kids a screamer.


Jessie said...

oh my Chase is a babe.

Humanist mom said...

Chase is always dressed so damn cute! Sick kids suck, and I also envy Marth's craftiness.