Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Thoughts by numbers.

Cohen contemplating all the things on his 1 yr old mind...or maybe he is just contemplating eating the sand.

My random thoughts:

1. People who are consistently late are rude and inconsiderate. I am an impatient person and I hate waiting around for people.
2. I no longer want to have 1 sided friend ships. The ones where I am putting forth all the effort. Those are the "friends" I don't want around any more.
3. A few days ago while driving in a certain area, I drove past a spot that my friends and I frequented often many years ago. As I drove past, completely out of the blue, I got the most overwhelming feeling. The only thing I could compare the feeling to is when you are insanely home sick.
It was a strip club. Just kidding (about the strip club part). Had to throw something in there to lighten the mood.
4. Reason #1,121 why I am not a big fan of Draper: The traffic is a beast all the time. The second I drive out of my neighborhood I have to deal with it. Counting down the days until I don't live here anymore.
5. Reason...well maybe the only reason I might be a fan of Draper: Chase has met her "best friend" as she tells me. Its our next door neighbor who is Chase's very age. If we allowed it, they would play together all day, everyday. After we finished dinner tonight Chase said to Jamison and I, "I'm finished eating, can I walk to Ella's house?".
That one little question made me realize once again just how fast my girl is growing up.
It gave me a sad/happy feeling.
6. I am anxiously awaiting the return of 30 Rock and The Office. Thursday nights just aren't the same without them.
7. Did anyone else spend the evening outside tonight? Because the weather was perfection.
8. I am craving a carmel apple.
9. Who has read Mockingjay? I am in the middle of another really good series of books so I haven't got around to reading it yet, but I have heard some mixed reviews. If you have read it, thoughts?
10. And now I am going to watch Four Christmases. I have never scene it, and never had much of a desire to see it, but when I had a few spare momentos today I happened across it on T.V, and the part I watched was actually kind of funny. I am not counting on the rest of it being all that funny, but since I saw it was going to be on again tonight I decided to record it (DVR it?), and watch while Jamison plays his late night game of soft ball. I am kind of in a Christmasy mood anyways.


The Airharts said...

I totally agree about the Draper traffic! It killed me to go visit Jani this last spring! I'm kind of in a Christmasy mood today too...I bought 2 christmas presents just this morning for my kids...an early start wont hurt right?

Sophia said...

I know exactly the homesick feeling you are talking about. I read Mockingjay and thought it was a really good ending to the series. And last but not least do you want to go to Red Butte Monday or Tuesday?

mel or kel said...

I read MockingJay. Here is my review...The first two books are my favorite but I think it is because it left me really wanting to know what happened next. I thought Mockingjay was good, I liked how it ended but I should have read Catching Fire before because I couldn't remember who they were talking about for like the first half of the book. Definitely read it but it isn't the best.

Jani said...

I am use to the traffic now but I hated it at first. I talked to Jammison in the hall at church. We need to have a picnik at the park or something since we live so close. Cohen and Will are the same age. My husband is so busy but if we plan in advance we can make it happen.

Jasmine Bailey-Barfuss said...

You go girl, let it all out!!! :D :D :D
Draper traffic - a nightmare. I avoid that neck of the woods like the PLAGUE.
Nostalgia... know that feeling well. *sigh* Fiercely strong memories that come running in out of nowhere and smack you in the guts.
(Strip clubs.... hahahahaha)