Friday, September 24, 2010


So, for a long time Chase was dead set on being Coraline for Halloween. We really wanted her to be Coraline mainly because we thought it would be so darn cute on her, and she has the perfect hair cut for the costume. Then we went to Disneyland, and she saw the "real" tinkerbell flying over the "real" cinderella castle during the fire works and that was the turning point. From that moment on she wanted to be Tinkerbell and no one could change her mind.....until we went to Target today. She saw the above witch costume (which I am only going to show a pic of the back of because its not Halloween), and once again changed her mind. I tried to talk her out of it because she has been a witch before, but she was not having it. She was in love with the witch costume. To be honest, I kind of was to. I mean for 15$ bucks I wouldn't think a costume could be that great, but really this is a darn cute witch costume

Sometimes she wears her old witch costume (the one she wore like 2 or 3 yrs ago). She likes to play dress up with it. We decided we would put Cohen in it. He walked around like nothing out of the ordinary was going on. We would laugh and he would look at us like "what?", and then he would roar like a lion.
It was kind of hilarious.

I am in such a Halloween/Fall/spooky mood its kind of ridiculous.
I came across this blog and just stared at the images for around 20 minutes. I want to build a little witch cottage like the one in this post, but I am neither crafty or that creative, so I will just continue to look at the images and wish I was.
Also I followed the little tutorial the other day and made some spider webs. Now I just need to get motivated again so I can spray paint them and make them look spooky awesome like the ones in the post.

1 comment:

Sophia said...

I freaking love Cohen in that costume! You wanna do something this week?