This year we did Thanksgiving at my Mom and Step-Dad's. We actually did Thanksgiving dinner at noon, then we all headed to St. George.
I would maybe compare this St. George trip to a breath of fresh air. It was nice weather, lots of good times, game playing, hiking, watching Utah win, finally seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (loved it!!), and lots more yummy food . (We did have to drive home in a blizzard, and not the pretend kind that the weather man claimed we had a week ago. This was real, and it wasn't fun driving for 6 hrs in it. I am thankful for 4-wheel drive.)
Also, playing Taboo with my Grandma is maybe one of the funniest things I have done in this last year....or maybe in my whole life. I'm not gonna lie. Grandma Nelson, you are awesome.
Also, here is Chase's list of what she is thankful for:
1. Cake
2. Dinner
3. Bubbles
4. Hospital
5. Gaige
6. Dad
7. Cohen
I did not make it on the list, but somehow "Hospital" did? What the!??
What Cohen was most thankful for this Thanksgiving? Why blueberry pie of course!
This is that water park place in St. George. I don't know what its called so I call it the water park place. The pic on the left is Cohen comforting Chase. I kindof got mad when she stuck her foot (with the shoe and sock still on it) under a water fall. As a result she got mad at me and sat on this chair and pouted. Cohen walked over and held her hands. Not sure why I took the picture from the back. Clearly it would have been better to get a pic of the actual hand holding. Mainly I just like capturing any moments of tenderness between them....because sometimes they are not so tender to each other.
We hiked the red rocks. It was gorgeous and the kids had such a blast. There was that moment when I slipped and fell and did the splits and thought I broke my ankle. I guess thats what I get for thinking I can hike in flip flops. I am so crazy.
Zach the stuck nephew.
Nanna and Grandpa Cooper, with the grandkidlets
Chase and Hailey

Chase hiked in her Captain EO boots. Turns out not only are they awesome looking, but they are also awesome for hiking. Double the awesomeness!
In fact, while she was hiking, I was thinking "damn those boots are awesome", then Jamison said to me "You know I think those are the ugliest boots I have ever scene. How about we throw them away."
Oooooooooh no my friend. The Captain Eo boots will remain with us until they no longer fit her.
I am thankful for lots of things. I kindof feel silly listing them all, because most of them are the basic things that everyone is thankful for...but I really am thankful for it all. One of the biggest things thats been on my mind lately is how thankful I am for my kids and the fact that they are here and they are healthy. The past few months I have read about some families who don't have it so great. Wether dealing with the death of a child, or a child diagnosed with breaks my heart. And really, my heart goes out to them. I look at these parents and their children as being so courageous and strong. I friend of mine has a little boy who was diagnosed with cancer about a yr ago, and is currently in remission (yay!). Her family amazes me. Her little boy amazes me. I can't read and hear about these things, and not automatically think of my own children.
So, I guess what I am trying to say is that I am most thankful for Chase and Cohen. I love them more than any words could describe. I am thankful for every little moment I have with them. Every little thing they do and say. I wish I could bottle it all up, and 50 yrs from now when they are grown up and gone, I could open that bottle and relive it all again.
I thank God every day that they are mine.
Right now I am going to go give Chase a big sloppy kiss, and then she will say "Gross Mom, stop!" But she will laugh, and I will love it.
And when Cohen wakes up I will squeeze his cheeks and kiss his face and tell him to say "Mama", because every time he says it it melts my heart. Then I will feel bad because I cut his hair today and I didn't do a very good job....but I guess its better than the mullet he was sportin.
1 comment:
A few things
1) I think the boots are awesome-I was actually thinking that Hadley needed a pair just like them
2) 2 falls in one month-haha-just kidding
3) Dont you just want to hit yourself when you have to cut the boy hair-no matter how hard I try-it always looks so stupid for a few days after-when will I learn!
4) I love that on the "hike" jameson thought to bring a big gulp
5) were you crying when you wrote your thankful list-it made me cry reading it- I could just picture myself sobbing trying to write about my kids and then I get mad because I cant see the computer screen anymore.
6)fun post
The end
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