Friday, November 19, 2010

Chase and The List, The Fall Fairy, and The Tea Party

Today Chase and I wrote a letter to santa. She asked that I write out her Christmas list, but she had to write "Dear Santa", draw Santa a portrait of himself, and address the envelope. I wrote down word for word what she said, we folded it up, then stuck it in the mail box. The mail man has made sure it will be delivered to Santa....or maybe I snuck out and got it and stuck it in her baby book.

I had to help her out with the "D" and the "R", but she wrote the "ea" and "santa" herself.

Chase told me that she had to write "Santa" really big on the envelope,so he would for sure get it.

I think we have everything on the list covered, except #'s 1 & 5. Haven't been able to find pajamas with a heart yet, and I have no idea what she means by "painting with a kitty".
She attempted to explain it but I am still very lost.

The x-ray machine is this doctors station thingamajig she found in one of the many toy catalogs we have been receiving. The past few months she has been very interested in what is inside our bodies. She is always asking what the different bones are called, where certain organs are located...stuff like that. Today she told me that, "because Jesus helped make us, then he knows what is inside of all of us so we need to buy a book from Jesus that will tell us where all the things inside of us are."

I explained that Jesus doesn't sell books, but Barnes and Nobles does, so I'm sure we can find a book explaining all of that there.

I have no idea where she comes up with this stuff, but I love it.

When Jamison's brothers flew in from Hawaii for Marilee's funeral, they stayed with Jamison's sister Beckie. For those few days we hung out at Beckie's house a lot, just so we could spend time all together. Chase loves it there because Aunt Beckie and Uncle Steve have a super cool play room with lots of dress ups and such for little girls like Chase to play with.
In the freezing cold fall evening Chase ran around in this fairy outfit for almost an hour. She was in heaven. She made her uncle Scott run around with her and pretend to be a fairy. I so wish I would have got a picture of that. It was awesome.
I'm also really bummed I didn't get any pictures of Cohen doing his face plants into the dog bed. That was equally as funny/awesome.

Fairy Chase eating dinner in between her uncles Randy and David.


Grandma Marilee left Chase this tea set and table cloth. One of Chase's favorite things to do at her Grandma's house was have tea parties.
So today Chase went and got Ella. She requested that I pull out the snow flake table cloth, and her fancy tea set so that her and Ella could have a tea party.
Listening to the things that two 3 yr olds talk about while they drink "tea" is hilarious.
It was like 2 totally different conversations happening at once.
Chase: "Ella, I wrote my list to Santa today and its going to the North Pole, and I really want Santa to send me a ticket to the North Pole."

Ella: "Chase, my favorite color is green but sometimes I wear purple and its OK."

Chase: " The mail man already came and got my letter."

Ella: "My Mom is going to buy me a pink dress."

1 comment:

CKB said...

"My dog died today."

"Surprise, here he is!"

I totally just had a flashback of our childhood. Except we didn't have a tea set. We ate pickles, drank pickle juice and sat on the back porch.