Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Just Dance.

Last weekend Chase and her cousin Hailey had a sleepover. The majority of the evening was spent playing Just Dance Kids. "Best game ever!", is what Chase has to say about it.

This is one of the many videos I took of them dancing. Nothing to exciting, just Cohen spinning around and losing his balance repeatedly like a drunkard. Thats what he does when you tell him to dance. He spins around until he can no longer stand. My favorite part of the video is the very end. Cohen starts clapping when the dance is over then tries to walk away but looses his balance due to excessive spinning.

(an added bonus is the fact that my finger is covering the sound on my phone for most of the video so no one has to hear my annoying voice/laugh. Also I don't know why I don't hold my phone horizontal when I take videos. If I did they wouldn't be long and skinny)

After a very long session of playing Just Dance Kids, the girls set up sleeping bags in Chase's mini tent, read books, had popcorn, then we gave them the ipod and they stayed up late watching movies.

Remember the days of sleepovers? Good times.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

"Special Days"

When Jamison and his brothers were younger, as in 7,8,9 yrs old, his Mom would take them on "special days". Each brother (there were 4) got a special day which included (among lots of other fun filled things) getting photo booth pics taken with there Mom.

After Marilee passed away we were going through some of her old pictures and I came across these gems. I was so glad we found them. Such great pictures of such a beautiful Momma and her boys.
Jamison's older brother David on the left, Jamison on the right.
We also found some of Marilee with Scott, Jamison's other older brother, but I can't seem to locate them on the computer.

I would love to continue this "special days" tradition with my own children. And if possible, we will most definitely add to the photo booth collection.

Monday, January 17, 2011

My girl turns 4.

This weekend we celebrated the 4th birthday of the one and only Chase. My girl.
Really truly honestly I can't believe that she is 4. I can't believe how fast time has gone by.
It happened so fast. Literally we woke up one morning and she seemed older. The way she acted. Her mannerisms. This person she is becoming, the person she will grow into is becoming more apparent every day. It amazes me.
Oh how I love her and want to squeeze her every second of every day.

We celebrated on Saturday by having a swimming birthday party at the local rec center with her little friends. Then Sunday we had family over for cake and ice cream.
I have heard it said that some parents rotate the birthday parties. As in, one year the child will get a friend party then the next they will do just family. I like this idea (at least while the kids are younger). It can be overwhelming doing 2 parties in one weekend. Thinking we may start doing this little tradition next year....maybe.

Anyways, here are some pics documenting the 2 day celebration.

Chase with her aunts Ady and Alyx on the day of the swimming party.

Chase with her new bike and doll house. Just so you know, when I picture what hell is like, I picture it being like the night Jamison and I stayed up until 3am building that dollhouse.
It was so insanely complicated and annoying building that thing. Good thing Chase loved it. I suppose that made it worth it.

Chase's favorite moments of the weekend were getting her new bike, swimming with her friends, and her Dad making her green french toast.
We celebrate special occasions at our house by making our food awesome colors.

This is a video I took today with an app I just got called 8mm vintage camera. Wanted to try it out. I'm not loving how this particular video turned out, but whateva. Mainly I just love that sweet little voice.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Magic tricks and things.

Jamison doing magic tricks for the kids yesterday.(and yes we had a frozen pizza for dinner.)

Jamison and Chase cuddle while watching an old 80's Care Bears cartoon.

Left: I came upstairs to find Cohen with Chase's backpack on playing with her littlest pet shop toys.
Right: You would be surprised at what this kid can do on the ipod just from observing his big sis.

Chase plays with her favorite thing in the world (right now). Dinosaurs

Enthralled with her Dad's magic skills.

Even more enthralled with Dad's magic skills.

I love him.

I will eat your face.

Question of the day:
Where are we going to move in 4 months time?
Living in Jamison's parentals while they are on a mission has had its perks but I am so ready to have my own home again.
But where? where? WHERE?
I want to move to Maine, or Boston, or Virginia, or Hawaii, or probably just out of Draper.

Friday, January 7, 2011

My motto for the past few months.

This image (wish I could remember where I found it) has been in my mind many times in these last few months.
Lets just say they haven't been the greatest months ever.
But things will get better. I will remain positive.
Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

That face.

I love it more than words can say.
I can not believe that she is almost 4.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Ms. Mattie Ross.

Jamison and I went and saw True Grit on New Years Day.
Hands down, one of the best movies I have scene in a long time.
I was so impressed with the young girl that played the part of 14 yr old Mattie Ross.
For me, she pretty much made the movie.
My 14 yr old self would have wanted to be just like her. Actually, my 28 yr old self would like to be just like her.
Now I want to read the book.