I also learned that you should never speed on foothill drive or you will get a speeding ticket that no matter what you say the stupid cop will not let you go with a warning.
Also, Chase loves watermelon more than life itself. If there is a cut up watermelon within her reach she will attempt to eat the whole entire thing, and if after her eating about 7 pieces you try and get her to stop, an amazing physical strength will manifest itself. A strength that no 1 yr old should have.

I also learned that looking hot in glasses must run in the darby family because look how studly Gage, Chase's cousin, looks. Lucky for Chase since she will probably need them.
Also, whilst at work I learned a few things. I learned that I no longer want to be the confidante of someone whos husband had a gay love affair.
And I miss having good friends. The kind that always have your back. Because this week especially, I learned you always need good friends.
oh yeah! I also learned today that if your dvd (namely sex and the city) is scratched, the old tried and true boob rub still works.
Oh, man! You are SO FUNNY! I'm just sitting here thinking of a funny quote that I have in my "craft" room. It reads: If you can't say anything good about someone, sit right here next to me! - Alice Roosevelt Longworth. Everyone just needs "real" friends that WILL have their back no matter what. You see, a real friend wouldn't tell you something like they had an affair and ask you to keep it a secret. Ugh! I hate people like that. We should hang out some time.
Ah, the boob rub. Nothing works better.
I have been thinking a lot about friends this week too. I came to the realization this week that I will never fit in anywhere. I don't fit in with the women in my ward, I can't explain why, but it is really obvious that no matter how hard I try, I will never feel totally comfortable around them and they will never invite me to hang out with them. I also realize that I will never fit in with the non-mormons because I am a mormon so they don't want to hang out with me. Cory and I decided that we are morally conservative, yet socially liberal. We don't drink, we follow all the rules of the church, yet we don't fit in with other church goers. I realize that the only people I will ever fit in with are our crew from high school. I don't know what it is about us, we are all so different, yet we are so much the same...
seriously! i could not agree more! its like i try to fit in with the church crowd, the work crowd, the husbands friends wifes crowd, and it ever quit works. i can never quit be myself. maybe i am just socially challenged. maybe i am crazy wierd and no one has had the guts to tell me. This is why i am glad we have the highschool crew. i can be myself and you all get it.
Lets get together, I like Chelsea and I like Jamie and I do not think either of you are wierd. What about a night out without kids? Or what about Wednesday in the day?
Weren't we supposed to go to Gardner Village last Wednesday?
Love all of them. Sometimes work drama is just to much, I have enough going on in my life without all of your crap to, thx. We definetly need a GNO. Lets plan something soon for sure. I miss the highschool crew.
Count me in too! Oh, and I have been meaning to call you. You guys are invited to our cabin this weekend. It's kinda short notice, but you should totally come.
I love the flash cards in the shower! what a good idea!!
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