Friday, July 31, 2009

3 weeks

Today my little Cohen Jamison (or as I sometimes call him, C.J.) is 3 weeks old. What you may or may not know about him is, he is incredibly easy going, loves to eat, then loves to fall asleep, then loves to do it all over again. Don't you just want to squeeze those little chubs on his arms?

His big sister on the other hand, has never been what I would call "easy going". Sometimes when shes acting up, C.J and I look at each other and I just know we are both thinking "here we go again"...k not really, but I swear thats what hes thinking as she is practically mauling him, or screaming at Jamison and I, or doing one of her crazy dance moves. But hey, she keeps life interesting and exciting and I don't know what I would do without my wild woman.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Attack of the gigantic pumpkins

Earlier this year my husband planted a garden. In it he put tomatoes, strawberries, and a variety of peppers. When he found out his Mom had an extra pumpkin plant, he decided to plant that also. As you can see in below pic, it has now overtaken our entire garden, and is beginning to take over the yard. Not only is this freaking plant incredibly large, but it is sprouting HUGE pumpkins as well (we are obviously pumpkin amateurs, being that we had no idea it would get this big). The below pumpkin I have named Jerry. Jerry is getting bigger by the day. I am hoping he will survive until October. Have no fear. As the summer months leave us and fall approaches, I will keep you posted on Jerrys progress. I am very interested in seeing how big Jerry gets......

Saturday, July 25, 2009

I just want to see Harry Potter.

Yesterday was the 24th. Our festivities included: Chase wearing patriotic sunglasses and necklaces, and jumping on the tramp with her cousins Boston and Sawyer (they had their shirts off, so she had to take hers off also). Cohen slept and ate periodically through out the day. We attempted to watch fire works, but Chase is terrified of them, so we ended up watching Chicken Little. It was a good day. A very good day.
One question remains....when do I get to go see Harry Potter??? Hopefully today. Lets keeps our fingers crossed. ( I have a bit of anxiety about leaving the baby, even for a few hours).

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The highs and lows

I am incredibly sore, my boobs hurt, my hormones are totally out of control, and its all 100% worth it. All I want to do all day is kiss and smell Cohen's chubby little cheeks. I love watching Chase interact with him. I love that she trys to imitate Jamison and I with the things she says to him. If I let her, I think she would hold him all day long. It has taken some getting used to...this whole having 2 kids thing. A bit overwhelming at times (to say the least).
The hardest part will be tonight. Why? Because Jamison is spending the night at the hospital. Did I mention he is getting his appendix removed? He was up all last night in excruciating pain so off to the ER he went this morning. Turns out he won't be back until tomorrow. Nice timing huh? It will be very interesting without him here. I still haven't quite gotten down the whole handling 2 screaming kids thing. I am just praying everything goes well with Jamison's surgery and I will have my husband back soon.
So, heres to hoping Jamison's surgery goes well, and that I don't have a nervous breakdown tonight:)
(Also,I must say thanks a million to all the people who have brought flowers/food! I am convinced you all have some secret plan to keep me pleasantly plump with all the delish food you have been bringing.)

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Cohen Jamison Darby.
Making his grand entrance at exactly 1:00am on July 10th.
And it must be said he is the spitting image of his handsome Dad, red hair and all.
Chase loving on Cohen. She ADORES him.
(many more pictures to come)

Sunday, July 5, 2009


I am still very pregnant and ready to have a heat stroke. Yes, my due date is the 17th. No, I refuse to believe I will be pregnant until the 17th. Its all about thinking positive. Hes going to be here any day now. I can just feel it. Every morning I wake up and think "this is the day", and then it turns out it isn't. But thats O.K, because tomorrow is the day. It just has to be. Right?

Chase feeding ducks and pregnant belly protruding.

We did a family picnic this evening. Lots of fun, but the heat about killed me.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

What else am I going to do at 3am?

As usual, last night I got very little sleep, so around 3 am I grabbed Jamisons ipod and started checking out some of my favorite sights/blogs online. I found some great things I must say, and I just felt like sharing a few of them. What can ya do?
Now, I usually wouldn't post someone elses wedding pics on my blog, especially someone I don't know, but when I saw these I couldn't resist. I LOVE them. I love her dress, I love the pictures, everything!!

(I came across them via this blog. You should check out all of them. Maybe one of my favorite weddings I have seen.)

Also, I have been debating getting one of these headbands. What do you think?

(found via this esty shop, and this etsy shop)

I can't decide....