Today my little Cohen Jamison (or as I sometimes call him, C.J.) is 3 weeks old. What you may or may not know about him is, he is incredibly easy going, loves to eat, then loves to fall asleep, then loves to do it all over again. Don't you just want to squeeze those little chubs on his arms?
His big sister on the other hand, has never been what I would call "easy going". Sometimes when shes acting up, C.J and I look at each other and I just know we are both thinking "here we go again"...k not really, but I swear thats what hes thinking as she is practically mauling him, or screaming at Jamison and I, or doing one of her crazy dance moves. But hey, she keeps life interesting and exciting and I don't know what I would do without my wild woman.
I love that pic of Cohen asleep on the couch! So cute, and so relaxed! Chase has the cutest smile...
we are in the same boat! my first was insane!!!!! and now my nattie is so easy going. i look at simone and i'm like, why? why? did you put me through that? haha. he looks so handsome and healthy and same with chase. i love it! what a beautiful little family.
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