Saturday, March 13, 2010

Yesterday...oh yesterday.

Pic taken at the zoo about 2 minutes before everything started going down hill.

I am so glad you are over. I had every intention of making it a great day. We had plans to go to the zoo with friends...and we did. But as is Chase's style, she wanted to make it incredibly hard for me. I think she was tired, and maybe didn't feel good. Sometimes I look at her and wonder how this 3 yr old knows how to push every one of my buttons. She pushes me to my limit more times than I can keep track of, and its at that point that a say a little prayer telling God hes got to take over because I am done. Thankfully Cohen slept through the whole debacle. And of course after we got home she was an angel, and I kept wondering where this girl was when we were out in public.

And to compound things I haven't been sleeping well....and if theres one thing I know, its that a good nights sleep can work miracles, but when I don't sleep everything starts unraveling around me. I mean seriously who knew how much a good nights sleep could improve everything about you! Seriously, I need to figure out how to start sleeping better. Yesterday I reached that point of exhaustion where I didn't know if I should start crying or laughing uncontrollably. I kindof did both.

Needless to say, Jamison came to my rescue (he could tell I was at the breaking point), and once we got the kids to bed we watched the episodes of The Office and 30 Rock that we missed on Thursday. Got some needed laughter relief. Then I needed sleep relief, but sleep was not coming. Sometimes the only solution is to read a book or watch whatever on my iphone until I can't keep my eyes open any longer, and since I keep hearing about this show, Who Do You Think You Are, I decided to check it out. I really liked it. This first episode was with Sarah Jessica Parker. Basically every episode is a different famous person who is researching there ancestory, and trying to figure out where they came from. Watching it made me want to find out more about my ancestors. I know my family has done some geneology (because we are Mormon, and thats what us Mormons do), but I have never really looked into it. Now I want to. After watching this I find it so fascinating. I thought the show was really well done, and if you have a few spare moments you should check it out to(


Humanist mom said...
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*Jane Lee* said...

As nerd-a-licious as this is, I'm the "New.FamilySearch Consultant" for our ward. Check out and get started. There's lots of genealogy sites out there and is my fave, but super expensive. So, I can help you do whatever since it's my calling and all... :) It is kind of cool to see where you came from.

mel or kel said...

I am sorry you had such a terrible time yesterday!! Just remember that I am sure it will be Harper next time and you can have an enjoyable day.

I watched this show on Hulu and felt the same. Great idea whoever thought of the show

fancy ham said...