Monday, March 1, 2010

Hello March, so glad you are here!

Can you say seasonal depression? I am beyond sick of the cold weather. So sick of it in fact, that if I could find a way, I would move away from Utah, and live somewhere much much warmer year round.

Then there was today. The first day of March. It was actually warm. We busted out the bike/wagon/baseball bat and enjoyed all three in the warm sun. We have attempted to do said things in the weeks previous to today, but ended up back inside due to the freezing cold.
And yes, Ms. Chase has been ill these past few days, so in my mind I am thinking that a little warm weather play outside will do her some good. It really didn't. She ended up back inside exhausted. She fell asleep on "the big bed", and didn't wake up until after 5. She is still awake watching Americas Funniest Home Videos. She loves that show. I don't even know when she started watching it, but she did, and she loves it. She also loves watching laughing cats on You tube. She will ask to watch it over and over and over again until I cave, and then I hear the obnoxious laughing and want to throw the computer across the room. I curse the day my little sister showed Chase that video. I was going to post a link to it, but decided against it. You would thank me if you had ever seen it.

Chase loves to play in the dirt pretending she is growing a bean stock. She gathers rocks, tells me they are seeds, plants them, then shows me the "beans" that grew. Here she is showing me some of her prized beans.

Cohen just chills in the wagon, happy to be chewing on the straps.

I have a few other things to share.

1. Anyone else watching Lost these days? I am. Last week I discovered that before the new episode they replay the previous weeks episode, but with captions explaining to you every little detail of whats going on and how it relates to what has happened in previous episodes/seasons. I appreciated this, and by watching and reading the captions realized how much is really going right over my head. But I will say this. I was proud of myself last week while watching the new episode. While watching it I realized that the whole theme of the episode was Alice in Wonderland/Through the looking glass. Remember Jack's son had a copy of the book? Also when Jack goes to his x-wifes home the key is hidden under the white rabbit. Also the whole looking in the mirror and being able to see a different realm. I am beginning to realize that there are lots of themes such as this in all the episodes but you really have to pay attention to catch it. probably think I am the biggest nerd ever now. What ever.

2. I am reading a really good book. Its called The Swan Thieves. The author is Elizabeth Kostova, who is the same woman who wrote The Historian (which is, by the way, one of my favorite books of all time, and if you haven't already read it, you should do so immediatly). I am about half way through The Swan Thieves, and so far, I love it, so I am recommending it to anyone who reads this blog (but if you haven't read The Historian, please read it first. You won't regret it). I am such a book nerd. I own and have read an insane amount of books. Like I have said before, I hope to one day have a library in my house with a cozy window seat to read on. Hence all the books I own. They will one day be sitting on the shelf of the dream library.

Thhhheee EEEnnd.

1 comment:

Sophia said...

Chase looks so cute in those sunglasses! I feel so cursed to be addicted to Lost because it sometimes it just too confusing, I need more answers! How did your interview go?