Saturday, February 19, 2011

A song I like, a sick little boy, and my thoughts on a house.

First on the agenda on this here blog post:

Love the song, love her house.
Please watch and enjoy.
Or, save time and listen while you scroll down and read (but I will warn, with this song as a back ground the post will seem a lot more melancholy than it actually is)

The past few day my little man Cohen has been very sick. Fever, runny nose, nasty cough....then a few days ago he started majorly limping, as in, he could barely walk or stand on his own 2 feet. Basically if he wasn't being held, he was screaming.
When he just had the cold symptoms I wasn't to worried. I thought it would run its course and he would be fine in a few days. When he started limping I didn't think it was at all connected to his sickness, I thought maybe he fell and tweaked something. As far as I new he hadn't had a fall, or done anything where he could injure his leg enough to not be able to walk on it, so I was very confused.
I called the doc, and they got us in right away (shout out to Dr. Lindgren. Best pediatrician ever). Turns out the high fever combined with the limp could be some very serious business. I can't remember all the things the doctor told me it could be, all I remember is the phrase "this could be nothing, or it could be something very serious, as in a life long disability serious".
Before we left the office the doctor gave me very strict instructions to keep a close eye on him, and if the limp continues into the next day I was told we would need to take him to Primary Children's to get some blood work done.
Today he still has the nasty cold symptoms, but luckily NO GIMP LIMP. I am beyond relieved.

Heres the sick little man cuddling with his Dad.

Just look at those sick, sad eyes and rosy cheeks. Breaks my heart.

I don't want to jinx anything, but I do want to say we put an offer on a house a few days ago. It is a short sale so it will be awhile before we hear anything, but I must say, I really want this house.
Looking for a house has been discouraging, exciting, and frustrating at times. It seems there are an insane amount of short sales. Guess lots of people got in over there heads. Bad for them, but nice for us. Lots of good deals, and really good interest rates right now. But at the same time short sales are annoying. This offer we put in, we probably won't find out if the bank has excepted it for almost a month. See what I mean about annoying?
BUT, I feel grateful that we are finally looking for our own home. Renting, and living in Jamison's parents while they are in Georgia has had its perks, but we are so ready for a place that is our own. And since Chase will be starting kindergarten (i am in denial) in a little over a year, we want to be more settled.
So please, send your good house hunting energy our way. We are still looking while we wait to see if this offer was excepted, and so far, we haven't found anything we like quit as much.

This picture has nothing to do with anything in this post. I just liked how they both fell asleep in the head kinked to the right fashion.

Happy Saturday:)

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