Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ice Castles.

Located at the Midway City Park a certain fellow ( I don't know what his name is), built lots of ice castles. Yesterday I asked Chase if that would be something she would be interested in seeing and she proceeded to jump up and down numerous times and scream "YES, YES, YES".

So we decided that since this week has consisted of us all having strep throat and being cooped up in this house, and finally we were all feeling better, what better way to finally get out and enjoy the fresh air then head up to Midway and check out some super awesome ice castles. They were pretty cool, I must say. It did freak me out walking through the actual castles. I kept picturing one of those long icicles falling down and impaling me through the head. Luckily that did not happen:)

BUT, were they worth the $23 dollars we were charged to see them? Yes, only because we had been so cooped up all week. If that had not been the case, then no, I don't think it would have been worth it.

Would you like to see some ice castles? Oh, well just take a looksy at the pictures I took with my personal convenient handheld electronic typing, calling and picture taking device. Also known as a computing cellular mobile telephone.
I enjoy this picture. Nice view of all the ice castles with the mountain in the back ground.

See what I mean about super long icicles? No wonder they make you sign a release saying you won't sue before you walk in. I believe my fear of being impaled was very justified.

And just so you know (and not that you care), but it was actually a pretty nice sunny day.
I used the shake it app to take the pics, and it makes the day look all dark and dreary.
Well, it wasn't.

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