Friday, April 29, 2011

In honor of the Royal Wedding

I did not wake up at 2am to watch the wedding. I am not that into it. BUT, I figured Chase would enjoy watching a real princess get married, so we watched a short recap this morning. Not only did she get a kick out of it, she asked to watch it over and over again at least 5 times. So naturally after watching the royal wedding a few times, a girl must dress up like a princess herself and have her own pretend royal wedding.
Cohen (aka the prince), has learned by now that as soon as Chase opens up that dress up trunk, to avoid a screaming match with his big sister, he might as well throw on that prince crown and just go with it.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Give that boy a horse to ride and a tractor to drive, and he will be happy.

Last night we went to my Dad and Step-Mom's to celebrate all the April birthdays in our family. Going to my Dad's for Cohen is pretty much the equivalent of going to Disneyland for anyone else. Being able to sit on and play with my Dad's tractor for 45 minutes, followed by a 45 minute horse back ride is heaven for this kid. Pretty sure he did not stop grinning once.
Took some pictures with my phone to document the perma grin. We were trying to pretend that it was actually warm enough outside to ride the horses.

Alyx (my little sister) riding Traveler

My Dad leading Traveler around while Chase rides.

Chase, Alyx, and my Dad watching Ady ride. Also, if you can't tell from my Dad's awesome camouflage hat and coat, he is a hunter. My Dad is pretty much John Wayne circa 2011.

The horse whisperer aka Cohen. Words can not describe how much I love this picture of him. If we would have allowed it, he would have ridden (rode?) that horse around and around and around all night long.
He kept patting the horse's mane and saying "Hi!". The whole ride that adorable grin did not leave his face once.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Glorious Sunshine.

When I was in High School, my friends and I went to St. George quit frequently. One trip in particular has always stayed with me. Back in those days we were all about meeting the boys, and on this particular trip we met two handsome rock climbers from California. Long story short, one of the boys found out we were on vacation in St. George, not there to rock climb, or hike, or anything of that sort. We were just there on vacation. Upon discovering this he said "Why would you come HERE for vacation? It doesn't make sense." He was baffled.

I am telling you this, because now every time I go to St. George I remember him and his comment. Thats all.

Anyways, this last weekend we headed up to the condo in St.George. It was 82 degrees. Then we came home to 50 degree weather and lots of rain.

Let me explain this ridiculous picture of me:
1. I read once that if you are in a picture looking straight at the camera you should stand up really straight, and try your hardest to elongate your neck and stick your face out, like a giraffe. Apparently this technique gets rid of any hint of a double chin in the picture. Apparently it also makes me look like an idiot. Lesson learned.
2. I took this picture in St. George because of the white shirt I was wearing. Jamison told me I looked like a pirate, then made jokes about my sun burn being from my time on the open sea.....etc. Just because ruffly things are sown onto the front of your shirt does not mean you look like a pirate. Get with the program husband.
3. And a special shout out to sclaraderma. Thanks for making my nose crooked. Your a gem.

Chase, Hailey, Cohen


Tuesday, April 12, 2011


You may know him as "J", "Jamis", or "Jamison". You may think he is in his early 20's. Lots of folks do. Little do they know, that this fella of mine turned 33 last week. 33 years young. Fabulous 33.

We celebrated with friends by going to Rodizio for dinner (as we have done the past 2 yrs. What can I say? My husb loves his Rodizio). Extra birthday bonus? Dan and Lisa were in town from Boston, so they kindly graced us with there presence. Friends from all over the country unite! Jamison is sad that we will be gone during the skate convergence. That boy could use some skate convergence with his friends.

Anywho, after the bday dinner friend celebration, we went to a movie. Not sure I want to tell you which one. Ok. I will tell you. Your Highness. We went and saw Your Highness. Yes, it was dumb, but were there moments where I found myself laughing really hard? Yes. Am I slightly dumber for watching it? Most likely.

Rodizio birthday celebration, 3rd year in a row.

We are such birthday party animals. We party with friends, then we party even harder with family. Doesn't get much crazier then the family birthday dinner. My parentals took us out to dinner to celebrate, and then a few days later Jamison's sister so kindly took the kids over night while we did dinner and movie with friends. Then the next day she cooked us dinner in celebration of J's and mine birthdays (mine is later this month). Chase helped with the birthday cake. I mean I don't mean to brag, but that girl can add sprinkles like its nobody's business.

Happy Birthday my looovvvvaaaaa.

Our offer on the short sale house we loved has been excepted. If everything works out and we do end up getting this house we will definitely be needing a riding lawn mower because the back yard is HUGE. We joked about the fact that as soon as Jamison is scene mowing the lawn on the riding lawn mower, then he can officially be called an old man.
I just ask that while he mows on that riding lawn mower he wear cut off shorts, a wife beater, and a cowboy hat. That would be a sure fire way to get the neighbors to love us:)

Monday, April 4, 2011

What us kids have been up to.

Let me just go ahead and break it down for you in one sentence.

The house hunt continues.

We have submitted offers on two houses. Both short sales. One it moving along quit nicely (our realtor was even surprised at the rate this has been moving, because usually there is nothing "short" about a short sale). The other house....well sometimes I forget we even put an offer on it, its been so long. I still don't understand why, after an offer has been submitted to the bank, it takes months to even hear anything. It is a mystery of epic proportions. Duh, winning! Any time someone says "duh" or "winning" for the rest of my life I will think of Charlie Sheen.

And in the mean time, we keep looking at houses. Sometimes we come across a house and I honestly can't remember if we have already looked at it or not. We have looked at that many.
Just want to get out of where we are now. Thats all I want. Hello! Just get me out of here. Please. I think the amount of $$$ we spend on gas every month will pretty much cover a mortgage. I am not exaggerating.

Moving on.

The last week or so both of my children have become enthralled with SpiderMan. Cohen rides around on his SpiderMan car with his SpiderMan snow boots on shooting his SpiderMan web.

Look! He is happy:)

Still happy:)

Shoot. He isn't happy anymore.

Still mad at me.....

Chase and her friends watch Tangled on Grandma and Grandpa's 20 yr old bean bag. I don't really dare lay on it. Just looking at it makes my feel itchy.

Its warm! What do ya say we ride a bike?

Chase has been having a hard time making turns on her new bike. Funny how when I try to help her we both end up frustrated which then leads to her pretty much telling me to get lost. When Jamison helps her, she has it down within minutes.
Another mystery of the mother/ daughter relationship.
