Monday, April 4, 2011

What us kids have been up to.

Let me just go ahead and break it down for you in one sentence.

The house hunt continues.

We have submitted offers on two houses. Both short sales. One it moving along quit nicely (our realtor was even surprised at the rate this has been moving, because usually there is nothing "short" about a short sale). The other house....well sometimes I forget we even put an offer on it, its been so long. I still don't understand why, after an offer has been submitted to the bank, it takes months to even hear anything. It is a mystery of epic proportions. Duh, winning! Any time someone says "duh" or "winning" for the rest of my life I will think of Charlie Sheen.

And in the mean time, we keep looking at houses. Sometimes we come across a house and I honestly can't remember if we have already looked at it or not. We have looked at that many.
Just want to get out of where we are now. Thats all I want. Hello! Just get me out of here. Please. I think the amount of $$$ we spend on gas every month will pretty much cover a mortgage. I am not exaggerating.

Moving on.

The last week or so both of my children have become enthralled with SpiderMan. Cohen rides around on his SpiderMan car with his SpiderMan snow boots on shooting his SpiderMan web.

Look! He is happy:)

Still happy:)

Shoot. He isn't happy anymore.

Still mad at me.....

Chase and her friends watch Tangled on Grandma and Grandpa's 20 yr old bean bag. I don't really dare lay on it. Just looking at it makes my feel itchy.

Its warm! What do ya say we ride a bike?

Chase has been having a hard time making turns on her new bike. Funny how when I try to help her we both end up frustrated which then leads to her pretty much telling me to get lost. When Jamison helps her, she has it down within minutes.
Another mystery of the mother/ daughter relationship.



Humanist mom said...

I am going to have to discuss this mother/daughter relationship thing with Jamison, because I have the same issue. I took Stella out to ride a bike and we were yelling at each other and frustrated after 5 minutes. Cory went out and taught her to ride a bike in 10 minutes. I'm thinking it has something to do with the fact that I'm home all day with her, and I know it is something she can do, but she isn't doing it so I'm like "what the hell? Get moving, you can do this if you set your mind to it!" Cory had patience I do not have. Thank God for daddies.

The Buckley's said...

Good luck with the houses. As for the mother/daughter relationship....just wait for homework. I always try to help and then it ends up ruining mine and laruyns night so TJ ends up doing it with her. Good thing dads are patient.