Tuesday, May 12, 2009

za za zoo, and the giggles.

On Monday I forced my sick husband, and confirmed sick child to the zoo. I wanted to go out and do something as a family and I wasn't gonna let no strep throat get in my way fools! I know I am a horrible person, but they are both no longer contagious and were acting like they felt so much better, so I just couldn't resist.

On a completly random and different subject, lately I have had a serious case of the giggles. I have decided its my bodies coping mechanism to deal with the insane discomfort I feel constantly from this pregnancy. Also the swollen feet. Not looking forward to 90 degree weather. The other night I went to our neighbors and cut some lilacs off of his bushes to put in an arrangement on our table (he has about 10 bushes with thousands of lilacs, so its not like he cares).

Anyways, when I got home I told Jamison where I got the lilacs and he said "You stole them from our gangster neighbor?" Well, I thought he said "You stole them from erectula?"

I know it sounds nothing like what he actually said, and that erectula isn't actually a word, but thats what I thought I heard.....listen, I don't want to offend anyone, but you can only imagine the comments Jamison made after I told him what I thought he said. I would post them, but at this time I can not. Needless to say I got the uncontrolable giggles, and am still laughing about it today. So, erectula is now part of our vocabulary. We picture him as a certain type of vampire. Thats all I will say. And I am sure, tomorrow, I will regret evening mentioning this.


The Airharts said...

oh my, I seriously have the giggles from reading about your giggles-not kidding I have eyes full of tears and cant stop giggling. P.S-I'm jealous of your stollen lilacs-I guess they dont grow here and all I want is some lilacs!!!

Scott@VoteOrDieBlog said...

I kept trying to think of a comment to make regarding Erectula that didn't sound too off color. I couldn't.