I am still very pregnant and ready to have a heat stroke. Yes, my due date is the 17th. No, I refuse to believe I will be pregnant until the 17th. Its all about thinking positive. Hes going to be here any day now. I can just feel it. Every morning I wake up and think "this is the day", and then it turns out it isn't. But thats O.K, because tomorrow is the day. It just has to be. Right?
Chase feeding ducks and pregnant belly protruding.
We did a family picnic this evening. Lots of fun, but the heat about killed me.
Hang in there! Baby Sean Connery will be here soon.
Baby Sean Connery? Do you mean Bruce Wayne?
Your pics are awesome. You are getting to be quite the photographer! Thanks for hanging out with me at your Ma's on the 4th. :)
Hope the babe comes today!!
I tortally know how you feel-I had browen last year at this time, and hadley 2 years before that at this time and I really did think I was going to kill over! Summer babies are the worst! Good luck, hopfully he will come sooner!!(haha-I ment to type totally, but tortally somehow made it-it made me laugh so hard for some reason, so I left it for you)
I am WAY excited you have a blog!
What's his name? What's his name? And good luck with labor!!
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