Tuesday, September 29, 2009

In a town thats (soon to be) cold and gray we will have a sunny day

Obviously I have been listening to Regina Spektor.
Anyways, today Chelsea and I took the kids to the Children's Garden at Red Butte Gardens. It was the perfect thing to do on what could possibly be the last warm day we will have here for awhile. I have never been there, and I must say it was charming....I think thats the perfect word to describe it. The kids had a blast, and while they played we got to enjoy the scenery. There was a fountain, a fish pond, a snake maze, sand pit, big lizards to play on, play houses etc... We plan on going back for the Halloween festivities.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Once again

I love fall. Every year at this time I am reminded of being in Boston over Halloween a few yrs back. I personally think the best time to go back east is during the fall. Watching the kids trick-or-treating I felt like I was looking at the pages of a Halloween story book. (Dan and Lisa, what do ya say? Can we come visit next fall???)
Anyways, I took some pics today pertaining to said season, and then I had to go to this sight and turn them into polaroids. It was fun.
Doesn't fall make you crave carmel apples??? We grew these bad boys. They are HUGE (in fact all the pumpkins growing on the vine are like huge boulders..is there some different kind of pumpkin plant that grows normal sized pumpkins? Because I'm not sure how we will carve these) . If you come to my house sometime this next month you will probably spot them from a mile away. They are sitting on our front porch, and are about as big as our house.
And one more thing. If you don't already own the old Sleepy Hollow Disney cartoon, you should go to Cosco and buy it. We did, and Chase loves it. Perfect time of year to start watching that, and The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Please be warned

The next fool who parks like an idiot next to me, or the next fool who decides to take up 2 parking spots in a very full parking lot, might get one of my husbands golf clubs through there windshield. I kid you not. Cohen had his 2 month check up yesterday, and when I come out of the doctor's office the people on both sides of me had parked so close I could barely get Chase in the car, and I had to put Cohen in through the back of the car because of his car seat. As I was opening the back, and realized Jamison's golf clubs were still in there I seriously considered it. Its been one of those weeks.
Sigh...anyways, speaking of Cohen being 2 months (well, he is actually 2 1/2 months), here are some happy pics of my handsome little man.

And a sad picture

On a very random and different note, I hate fish. Well, I guess I should say I hate owning them. I hate cleaning out a stinky fish bowl. My Mom decided to get Chase some fish. Hello! She only cared about them for the first 2 days of owning them, now I think she forgets they are even there (we want a dog, not fish). I try to get her to help me clean out the fish bowl. Instead she pretends she is putting a glass cup to bed.

We make quit the fish bowl cleaning team. You feel me...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Golf is boring

but look at these pictures. Don't you love the leaves changing!! It makes me very happy. Jamison, his Dad, and brother in law did some golfing in Midway yesterday. The only reason I hoped to go was to enjoy the amazing view/weather, but I ended up having to stay home with the kids until they were done golfing, then drive up to meet them for dinner. The drive up was gorgeous. I wanted to pull over and take pictures, but since I didn't dare, you get to enjoy the beauty of fall via these golfing pictures.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My therapy (redone because the last one had a picture of what looked like a bag of weed on top of my journal, but I promise it was dried flowers).

The past few days I have been on this serious cleaning kick. Last night as I was cleaning our bedroom, I was reminded that the drawer in my bedside table has been stuck for a very long time. I haven't been able to open it in months. Today I was determined to get it open, and after much shoving, cursing, and pulling, it finally opened. Yes! And there it was. My journal. Immediatly I got a little sad. You see, all through elementary school, junior high, high school, and college, and 4 or 5 years after college, I faithfully kept my journal. There was never a period of time over a week that I didn't write in a journal ( I have stacks and stacks of filled journals in my old closet at the parentals). Writing in them was always like therapy to me. Every happy or sad moment, every heart break, every relationship, everything is written about in those journals.....and then for one reason or another I stopped writing. When I opened my journal the last entry was the day Chase was born, the one before that was about 2 yrs previous. I wish I wouldn't have let so much time slip by. So much has happened, and if you don't write about it in the moment, its just not the same.

I thumbed through it and found some flowers I had saved in a little baggie that Jamison had given me years ago, and little notes he had written. It felt good to read it all and remember. I read about past relationships with friends and boy friends, and I was so grateful I had written it all down. It made me think of the time when Chase will be going through very similiar things and it will be nice to have something to remind me what it was like.

So, my goal is to start writing in my journal again. For me it was always so therapeutic to write, I really don't know why I ever stopped.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

My recommendation for a fabulous childrens book and other thoughts.

The author and illustrator of this book is a friend of ours,but thats not the only reason I am recommending it. I am recommending it because it is an awesome book with a wonderful message for kids. Be happy that you are you. Always look for the best in yourself, and in others. If you have children, you need to add this book to your collection. It is a must.
Today "Wooley Cottswold" himself did a reading and signing at the Kings English Bookshop in sugarhouse, so of course we had to take Chase to get her book signed.

Behind the bookshop was a cute little garden area that I couldn't resist taking pictures in.

Is it just me, or is there something very calming about being in a book store? Especially one like The Kings English. I've always wanted to own a quaint little book store. If I was to be honest right now, I would say that would be my dream job.
The End.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Another reason why I have no desire to shop at Walmart.

My husband introduced me to this hilarious website. I'll be honest. Although I am all about a good bargain, I really do not like shopping at Walmart. I have taken crap from some co workers for my strong stance against Walmart, but look at the pictures people!! Can you really blame me?

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Happy Thoughts.

Today was a special day for us, and especially for baby Cohen.
Today, I realized how lucky the 4 of us are to have each other.
Today, I prayed that Chase and Cohen would always be close, would always be there for each other.
I looked at my son dressed all in white, sitting on his big sisters lap, and I couldn't help but think about my little brother, and was so greatful to have the knowledge that I would get to be with him someday.
I looked at my husband holding our son and was beyond greatful my kids have such an amazing Dad.
Those were just a few of the thoughts that ran through my head today.
Thoughts that made me feel overcome with gratitude.
(So, thanks for letting me gush.)

Friday, September 4, 2009

She calls it her princess dress.

A few weeks back Chase was rummaging around in my closet (as she so loves to do), and discovered some lingerie I had recieved at a wedding shower 5 yrs ago, and had totally forgotten I even had. It has now become her princess dress, and is the only dress she will wear now when she wants to play dress ups. Should I be worried? Maybe. But I couldn't resist posting this picture.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Days like today

make me happy to be in Utah. Its the perfect time of year. Summer is on its way out, and Fall is on its way in, but neither has quit gotten there yet, and as a result you get a day like today. The temperature is perfect, and as you enjoy your time outside, you can just feel fall coming. I love it. My Mom and I took the kids to Gardener Village and had such a relaxing time. Chase ran around like the wild woman she is, and Cohen slept the entire time. Perfection. If you asked what Chase's favorite part of the day was, she would tell you it was riding the horse. The girl loves riding horses. I think she inherited this trait from my Dad..because Jamison wouldn't be caught dead on a horse, and although my Dad has horses, so I have ridden them, I tend to spend the whole time praying to God , asking him to let the horse know that I am a good person and it shouldn't buck me off.

This is what Cohen did the whole outing..and I ain't complaining. (and can I just mention that last night, for the first time, he slept from about 10pm-6am. Thank you Lord)

My Mom and Chase. My Mom just had some major surgery and should probably be laying in bed insisting people wait on her...but no, she is all gung ho on getting out and excercising. She complains about not being able to get up and run her 5 miles every morning. I sometimes wonder if we are really related.

Is this not one if the cutest outdoor rocking benches you have ever seen? Upon seeing it I told my Mom I loved it and wanted it immediatly. She informed me that something like this would be a piece of cake for my step-dad to make. Whaaaa..? Hells yes, I want him to make me one. How is this secret talent in my family,and I was unaware of it?

Hello every store with your Halloween decorations out ( I couldn't resist this snowglobe).

Like I said, I love this time of year.