Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Days like today

make me happy to be in Utah. Its the perfect time of year. Summer is on its way out, and Fall is on its way in, but neither has quit gotten there yet, and as a result you get a day like today. The temperature is perfect, and as you enjoy your time outside, you can just feel fall coming. I love it. My Mom and I took the kids to Gardener Village and had such a relaxing time. Chase ran around like the wild woman she is, and Cohen slept the entire time. Perfection. If you asked what Chase's favorite part of the day was, she would tell you it was riding the horse. The girl loves riding horses. I think she inherited this trait from my Dad..because Jamison wouldn't be caught dead on a horse, and although my Dad has horses, so I have ridden them, I tend to spend the whole time praying to God , asking him to let the horse know that I am a good person and it shouldn't buck me off.

This is what Cohen did the whole outing..and I ain't complaining. (and can I just mention that last night, for the first time, he slept from about 10pm-6am. Thank you Lord)

My Mom and Chase. My Mom just had some major surgery and should probably be laying in bed insisting people wait on her...but no, she is all gung ho on getting out and excercising. She complains about not being able to get up and run her 5 miles every morning. I sometimes wonder if we are really related.

Is this not one if the cutest outdoor rocking benches you have ever seen? Upon seeing it I told my Mom I loved it and wanted it immediatly. She informed me that something like this would be a piece of cake for my step-dad to make. Whaaaa..? Hells yes, I want him to make me one. How is this secret talent in my family,and I was unaware of it?

Hello every store with your Halloween decorations out ( I couldn't resist this snowglobe).

Like I said, I love this time of year.

1 comment:

Humanist mom said...

That snow globe is amazing. I may have to go purchase it. p.s. I am so glad your mom is feeling better! AND, if you ever want someone to go ride your dads horses with, Stella and I would love to come. She has never ridden a horse (besides the ponies at Gardner but they don't count)