Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thoughts on the season

This year I have been having some conflicting feelings about Christmas, I mean not about Christmas itself, but the things that come along with celebrating Chistmas. Let me explain.
A while back as I was looking through random blogs (yes sometimes I blog stalk people I kindof know but not really, I mean, who doesn't?) , I came across a certain blog post about all the things a certain someone was going to get her daughter for Christmas, and I thought to myself "who cares?". Seriously. Not to be rude in any way, and maybe I am approaching this subject in completely the wrong way, but now that I have kids, my way of thinking has changed slightly. I want my kids lives to be as meaningful as possible (as I'm sure every parent does). I want to give them every opportunity to have as many amazing experiences in life as possible. When they get older, why not spend Christmas in Guatamala doing a service project?? Won't they get so much more from that, then say a new outfit on Christmas morning??? Yes, right now they are a little young (2, and 5 months), and yes, every time I go to Target its like a magnet pulling me to the toy section to see what else I could possibly get them for Christmas, but then my mind screams "NO". They deserve so much more. Am I crazy??? I mean, while people are getting up at 2am on black friday to get there kids that special toy, I am planning our future Christmas's in Guatamala. Get a grip Jamie. So, at that point I tell myself to just shilax, and enjoy the season. Because really, now that Chase is old enough to finally know what going on, theres nothing better that watching her excitment over everything Christmas, and then her telling us over and over again how we need to leave cookies for Santa on Christmas eve incase he is hungry. So, I guess this year her service project will be making sure Santa isn't hungry when he stops by our house.
But in all seriousness, as I was having these crazy thoughts this season, and wondering in my mind how to make sure my kids always understand the real meaning of Christmas, and the most important way it should be celebrated, I came across this article, and I loved it. Especially the part about "Feeling the Joy of Giving". A good reminder (that I needed to read) for this holiday season.

Anywho, since this is a Christmas themed post and all, I had to add some pics of Chase enjoying our Christmas tree....

And although it may seem this picture of Cohen has nothing to do with Christmas, don't be fooled. The Christmas tree is like 10 inches from his face. You just can't see it..but who cares when you can see that smile???

Ahhh, temple square. Pretty, yes...but a word to the wise. Don't decide to go see the lights the night after they are turned on. Way to crowded=not enjoyable.


hannah said...

I completely relate with this post. It is hard to find the balance. Thanks for sharing.

Humanist mom said...

I totally agree with you. I know one girl who posts her Christmas list on her blog every year so everyone knows the perfect thing to get her. It is really important to me that my kids understand the whole giving aspect of Christmas. That is all that really matters to me. I still remember Christmas's where sibilings were "a little disappointed" because they didn't get exactly what they wanted. It bothered me so bad. I decided that if my kids are ever "disappointed" with their Christmas, I am packing everything they got up, and we are driving it to someone who would appreciate it. I'm sick of greedy people.

Emily said...

Agree I'm such a good mom I didn't even get Teagan a Christmas present last year. But there is something about the gift of giving. temple square lights boo

Sophia said...

I think that it is awesome that you are already planning future service with your kids. They will appreciate it so much when they are older. What a good mom.