There are two things you don't fight Chase on. Those are: what she wears to bed, and the music she listens to. Case in point: for the last few weeks Chase has been insisting that she wear her monkey pajamas to bed. Neither Jamison or I had any idea what she was talking about. We couldn't recall her ever owning monkey pajamas. After us telling her over and over again that she doesn't have any monkey pajamas and her insisting to us that she does, she finally resigns herself to picking out some other pajamas (and SHE has to pick them out, if we try to there will be hell to pay). Last night as usual she told Jamison she had to wear the monkey pajamas. Jamison told her she didn't have any. She said she did. He asked her where they were. She said "under the bed". Under her bed I have some plastic bins stored with clothes that don't fit her anymore...and what do you know! There are the monkey pj's I had totally forgotten she had. They clearly don't fit her anymore being a size 2t. Yes, she is 3, but the girl wears 4t-5t clothes. Shes tall. So instead of fighting her on it (which we have learned its sometimes just not worth the fight) Jamison crammed her into her monkey pjs. Way way way to small, but she was happy so whatev. Fast forward to around 1am. She comes into our room delirous and crying. Most likely because she is very hot in the monkey pjs, and its 3 sizes to small. So at 1am we change the pjs and hope that her lesson is learned because, yes, sometimes she has to learn the lesson on her own.
And then there is Chase and her music. She is picky. When she was a baby I had hopes of acclimating her to really good music. I had visions of her singing along to some of my favorite bands with me. No such luck. Its either her kindermusic CD or Lady GaGa. The girl knows almost every single word to Paparazzi. I honestly can't remember the first time she heard the song or how I discovered she liked it so much, but now when we get in the car she asks to listen to it all the time.I downloaded the song to my ipod back when I thought it was cute that she liked it so much. I regret that decision. I have made a rule that we have to take turns when it comes to the music. If she was in control Paparazzi would be on repeat everywhere we went. I wish I could say she was loving her cd of primary songs, or even good music for that matter....but no, its Paparazzi .
Sometimes it scares me. This girl with a mind of her own. I love her. I don't want her to grow up. Its so hard when I tell her something like "Chase you need to be nice" and she replys "ACTUALLLLYYY Mom, YOU need to be nice" . It a not so nice reminder that she is getting older, and (in her mind) wiser. Some days I find myself trying to cuddle and hug and kiss her a million times because I want to get it all in while I can, before she starts fighting it to much.

Above pics: For the first time ever she actually asked me to take her picture. She told me she "needed to make some funny faces for the camera so we could have some funny pictures". I like the last picture the best. She looks like a Who from little cindy lou who.
She is adorable.
Man, Chase is a firecracker. I think she is really cute!
And she has a side pony. so cute!
she really is too cute!
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