Friday, April 30, 2010

Today I realized what he meant by "that look".

As I was lugging Cohen around church last Sunday looking for someone, a certain gentleman in our ward approached me and said "You know, both of your children have a certain look."
I replied, "Let me guess. The look of Jamison? I hear that all the time."
He said, "No, they both look like they have a very juicy secret that only they know, and they aren't planning on telling anyone."
Interesting. I had never noticed that before...until today. Every time I looked at Cohen, he looked back at me with this look. This look that said "You are so naive lady. You have no idea the havoc I can cause. Don't believe me? Watch this" he proceeds to smack our T.V screen showing me that yes, if he tried hard enough he could knock the whole thing over.
I mean look at this picture. Thats a smug face if ever I saw one.
In fact I got an even better picture of his smugness, but I look similar to a rhino in the photo so I chose not to post it.

Chase on the other hand...I haven't noticed a "juicy secret look" about her (as this man so weirdly put it). It seems all she wants to do these days is pretend to either be a dog, a lion, or a dinosaur. Lately she is also obsessed with spiders, worms, and snakes as in she wants to pick them up and shove them in my face.
Today she kept bringing up dinosaur poop. Not sure why. Probably that weird episode of Dinosaur Train she watched a few days ago that talked about dinosaur poop and all the great things that can be found in it. Eew.

Super Guy to the rescue!!! Thats what Chase likes to say when she is pretending to fly.

Here is our dog...I mean daughter Chase. I know that sounds bad, but if I let her, she would be outside all day long with nothing but her underpants on, pretending to be a dog. And if I refer to her as Chase, she will tell me "No, mom!! I'm a dog!!"

Cohen hates the grass. If I need to set him down on it for any reason, there has to be something for him to sit on. If he is on grass directly he screams.

It also seems that he is close to walking. I love watching him cruise around holding on to this thing. You would be surprised at how fast those little legs can go.

Today we also drove around looking at homes for sale. It seems we are in a state of uncertainty about where we will be in the next few months. We have a few options...if only we could decide which one is best....
I hate making big decisions.

I'm not the only one who watched these movies.....right?

A few weeks back "The wives club", decided it was our turn to go see a "midnight movie" (except we saw our midnight movie at around 7:00pm). We went and saw Alice In Wonderland (and can I just say that I LOVED it).
Anyways, as we were sitting waiting for the movie to start we started talking about movies that remind us of our childhood, and how creepy some of them were, and how when you go back and revisit the movies from your childhood, you end up a little disappointed. Its never as good as you remember (unless your watching Goonies. That movie is always good, no matter the era).
All I can say is, the 80's was a time of some crazy weird movies.

Example: Remember Legend? I loved this movie when I was little. Young Tom Cruise anyone? Also, I think its the only other movie Simone (from Ferris Buellers Day off) was in.

Girls Just Want to Have Fun. I remember my Grandma had a copy of this movie, and every time I went to her house I HAD to watch it. My 7 yr old self thought it was the coolest movie ever. Most people associate Sarah Jessica Parker with Sex In the city. I associate her with Girls Just Want to Have Fun. I am always surprised when someone hasn't seen or heard of this movie (which I think is a lot of people). I mean, its so awesome how is that even possible? :)

Labyrinth is another one of my creepy 80's favorites. David Bowie with woman hair? Check. David Bowie in spandex? Check. Did they not look at him dressed like that and wonder if the world really wanted to see his manly goods in those spandex pants?

So, this version of Alice In Wonderland is a movie I did NOT like as a child. It always creeped me out big time. When I bring it up a lot of people have no idea what I am talking about, but this picture proves that it was a real movie, and I think whoever made it was high on drugs.

Same with Return to Oz. Scared me to death as a small child. We talked about watching it at our next movie night, just to see if it really is as creepy as we remember. Do we dare???

Here is a clip from 1985 version Alice In Wonderland. Watching it brings back that creepy feeling. I hated this movie.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

1 year older.

Today is my birthday. It has been a weekend full of insane partys and getting wild.

Just Kidding.

Actually, its been a very pleasant low key weekend. Friday, my Dad and Step-mom had us over for dinner. Good times. Chase worships my little sisters. I always enjoy watching her interact with them. I think its cute. I can tell she thinks they are the coolest.

Saturday Jamison and I went to dinner, then headed to The Gateway. Jamison's gift to me was a shopping spree at Anthropologie with no whining kids or impatient husbands to distract me. It was so nice. I wish we were rich so I could have purchased everything I desired... alas we are not, but it was still fun picking out a few things to freshen up our humble abode.
(I did finally get the headband I have been eyeing for a while now. I am modeling it in the above pic. I know you can't really see it, but it is there, and it is awesome. Trust.)

Chase and Hailey

Today my Mom and Step-Dad had us over for a family dinner to celebrate. Homemade pizza. Yum.
Good times for the kids were had on Chase's four wheeler. I can thank my Dad for that. He gave it to her when we were there on Friday. She gets nervous driving it, so her cousins are more than willing to help out.

It also has to be mentioned that my poor little man got crazy sunburned on Saturday. While I was at work Saturday morning, Jamison took the kids outside to play/do yard work, and didn't put sun screen on this little red haired pale skinned child.
Lesson learned.
Its hard to tell from this pic (taken with my phone), but his cheeks and head got fried, along with his arms. Can you see the farmers tan?

Speaking of pictures....can't wait to get my replacement camera. I am sick of taking pictures with my phone.

It was a good birthday weekend. Do I feel any different being 1 year older?
No. I still feel like an 18 year old at heart.
Do I still look 18?
I want botox.
Maybe that will be my birthday present next year:)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Trying to figure out this computer is really hard.

I am not used to a in I have never used one.
I am so confused, and can't figure out how to do the simplest things.
I truly feel like the biggest idiot.
But I did figure out how to take a picture of myself amidst the confusion.
Where is my husband when I need him?
Can you tell I'm having a great day?

Is the butt crack on my forehead as obvious to everyone else as it is to me? I often forget I have a dent on my head until I look at pictures. Yikes.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A lot has happened since my last post....but not really.

To start off, this is my new and improved blog. There was confusion. I am not going private. If you have left a comment within the last week, I don't need to email you because you have found the new blog address. Make sense? Are we clear? I thought we were clear???
Anywho....we had a picnic in our backyard today. I enjoyed it. Mostly because its funny watching Cohen try to swipe Chase's food, and he HATES grass, so he just stays on the blanket. I like it. I don't have to chase him around.
Lately we have just been enjoying the warm weather, and that about tops the excitement meter around here.
I finally saw Alice in Wonderland. I wish Chase was a little older so I could have taken her. I loved it.
Jamison just saw Kick Ass. Apparently its really maybe his new favorite movie?

The day the bastards broke into our house was hard. That night I went to Muse with Chelsea, Cory, Jessie, and some other girl. Muse made it not such a bad day. If I could speak to them I would thank them.
Please enjoy the high quality clip taken with my phone.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Whats mine is now yours...apparently

Here I am, posting from a borrowed lap top. If things were as they should be, I would be posting from my laptop about my husbands birthday, and our fun filled Easter weekend. Nope. All because some idiot human being who has no sense of right and wrong, and thinks its ok to steal things that someone worked hard for. I came home from running errands a few days back to find our front door obliterated, and many of our belongings missing....our laptop and my camera included. All our pictures. Gone.
But to tell you the truth, the thing that bothers me more than the missing stuff, is the fact that a complete stranger was in our home, our bedroom, going through our things. Ever since it happened our house just hasn't felt the same. I can't quit shake this creepy violated feeling. I hate it. All of our things can be replaced, but how dare this person come into our home and feel they have the right to do this!! Besides the fact that they were also in my kids bedroom. It makes me want to hurt who ever did this. Badly. Luckily one of my neighbors did see something, and luckily the police were incredibly nice and helpful about the whole situation (I was pretty shaken up at first).
Anyways, as a result of this I have learned a few things.
1. Everyone should have an alarm system in there home. It doesn't matter where you live, or what time of day it is. If someone is desperate, they will break into your house.
2. If you have personal documents hidden in your home, they are not hidden well enough. Everything should be locked up.
3. You should always be aware of your surroundings. If you see a suspicious car in your neighborhood, or a car in your neighbors drive way that isn't normally there, always jot down the licence plate number. I am very greatful for our neighbor who noticed an out of place car in our driveway.

The one good thing that happened that day was the Muse concert. I loved it. I love Muse. They are sexy and so is there music.

(Also, as an added precaution, sometime within the next few weeks I will be changing my blog address and title. If you are someone who reads this blog, and would like to continue reading this blog, please leave me your email address, and when I get all of this worked out I will email whoever with the new blog address.)